A New, Simple Gospel Acclamation - 2-fold Alleluia
  • Hello all,

    This is NOT the greatest thing ever written. I don't want to sell it that way. But it is quite nice. It's a 2-fold Alleluia that is very step-based. I wrote it to be simple but also to be more dignified than the 'Celtic Alleluia', which I generally abhor, and the R & A versions, which I find tiresome. I also wanted to sort of follow the EF idea of the 2-fold Alleluia, reserving the 3-fold Alleluia until Easter. My parish, which views new things with suspicion sometimes has been generally very positive about it and sings it.

    Let me know if you end up using this. I simply print the verses in each week. If you want me to provide you with that, let me know, but it's pretty easy to do and only takes a few minutes at the most.
    Alleluia Summer 2012.pdf
  • I like it
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    Sorry, won't do it . . . not enough sharps in the key signature for me. I need a minimum of seven.

    : )
  • Heath, Just put it down to F. That's what most of our accompanists do when I'm not there. :)
  • G flat would be even better. :)
    Thanked by 1Andrew Motyka
  • Would you mind sticking it in a more sensible key... maybe F major or G major?
  • I agree with Earl Grey. Leave it in the same key, but put it in flats.

    Cue the esoteric pedants that claim that F# is not the same as Gb.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    F# is not the same as Gb!
    Is outrage!
    Thanked by 2Andrew Motyka ryand
  • Esoteric pedants ... Well, I never ....
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,220
    Hey, they're a good band.
    Thanked by 1Andrew Motyka
  • Hey Earl, Adam and Andrew...this one's for you... :)
    Alleluia, Summer 2012 G-flat ha ha.pdf
  • Hey Harley, this one's for you...in F Major. I just really like the sound of F# better, but whatever...
    Alleluia, Summer 2012 F Major.pdf
  • One of the Churches where I play, the organ (built in 1882) is somewhat sharper than concert pitch, so it will sound F#-ish there at any rate.
  • I have always felt rather strongly that church music should be kept in simple keys. Otherwise it will discourage beginners. I've been transposing, rewriting and simplifying many hymns and other items of music in the hope that beginners will find these pieces much less daunting.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • If you must keep it in the key it's in, I really wasn't kidding when I suggested the flats. In my opinion, it's much easier to read.

    Chonak, I'm with you. That's a great band name.
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey
  • Andrew,

    That's interesting. I'd much prefer sharps over flats. C-flat always throws me, but E# seems easy.

    The human brain....
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood