Publications for One-Time Use
No royalty is charged for reprinting ICEL translations in a publication for use at a specific Mass or celebration of an individual congregation or institution, for example: convention program booklets, jubilee Masses, ordinations, baptisms, first communions, confirmations, funerals, weddings, etc., provided that (a) the
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In addition, ICEL texts appearing in publications for such one-time use may be reprinted without obtaining written or verbal permission under the following
a. The appropriate ICEL copyright notice must appear on the cover, inside cover, or title page (see Part III);
b. The official editions of the ICEL texts authorized by the respective conference of bishops must be followed exactly.
Publications for More than One-Time Use
No royalty is charged on publications for more than one-time use such as hymnals and other participation aids containing ICEL texts and produced by parishes, schools, or religious communities for their individual use and not by an outside firm, provided that the group printing this publication does not sell it.
Permission must be obtained from ICEL for the inclusion of ICEL texts in publications for more than one-time use.
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