In invisible print, it reads CMAA members need not apply.
  • Musically diverse (pop, rock, gospel, traditional and Latin American styles) suburban Atlanta parish 4000+ families seeks energetic, versatile, spiritual person who will promote music program and direct ensembles at 3 Masses each weekend & conduct rehearsals each week. Qualifications: B.A. in music preferred; exceptional piano, vocal and directing skills; familiarity with contemporary Christian, OCP & GIA music. The schedule will rotate between our 6 Masses each weekend. Full-time salary and benefits (or Part-time if preferred) are very competitive plus stipends for special events. Email résumé to Deacon ____________, Personnel Director.

    [but...what about dancing? There's no dancing?]
    [the schedule will rotate between 6 masses? To give everyone a taste of: pop, rock, gospel, traditional and Latin American styles....that's only 5. They must have forgotten 6, chant.]
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,200
    I know this parish. They should just take the word "catholic" off the marquee and put "Baptist." It might as well be one for all purposes.
    Thanked by 1benedictgal
  • Noel, that is so scary. Did these people not learn anything from the Southeastern Liturgical Music Symposium?
  • TCJ
    Posts: 990
    I feel pity for four thousand families.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,200
    They have no clue what they are missing. They are an island unto themselves.