Video of new work for Diocese of Oakland 50th Anniversary Jubilee Mass - Diffusa Est Gratia
  • Thanks for sharing this! Wow! Regal, serene, tender, penetrating treatment of this text, which is a fave of mine, too.

    Frank, I'm curious- did you choose this text after recieving the comission, or was it requested by the bishop? Not having my graduale in front of me, i'm thinking it was prob one of the proper texts?

    And GO, Rudy! I hope the Mass was beautiful.
    Thanked by 1compozor
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    Dear MaryAnn,

    Thank you very much for sharing your impressions of the music. It is especially gratifying to hear those specific attributes you described because that is precisely what I hoped to convey. The Mass was for the Feast of Mary's Queenship of the World, this was the communion antiphon (and the text Rudy requested I set), and Our Mother is indeed regal, tender and serene.

    Rudy put together beautiful music for the Mass, incorporating a chanted Ordinary with a rich variety of motets, hymns and responses by Proulx, Ostrowski, Rice, DuPré and Allen.