Holy Days of Obligation the best time for change
  • lmassery
    Posts: 425
    Weekday Solemnities such as Assumption, All Saints, and Immaculate Conception have been the best time to introduce new changes. Last night we used an SEP antiphon for the 1st time as an 'intro' to a choir piece. Last All Saints Day we used an introit for the first time. Has anyone else noticed that people seem more open to new more "solemn" music when they don't have to give up their Sunday expectations?
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    All Souls is probably the best, because it carries no obligation, and the type of people that go would be the most appreciative. I agree with your point - and don't forget Holy Week and Christmas!
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • The key factor, IMO, is that folks who attend Holy Days of Opportunity, All Souls, Thanksgiving, HOLY THURSDAY (yeesh) and daily Masses are what I've dubbed intentional congregations. Were all such folk provided occasions to evangelize the rest of the remaining RC populace with their enthusiasm, we could retire..
  • RachelR
    Posts: 44
    Yes. For the first time, yesterday, at the evening Mass for the Feast of the Assumption, 1) our schola sang at Mass and 2) the propers were heard in the church (the wonderful SEP). Feedback has (so far) been extremely positive.

    I am so grateful, feeling blessed and overjoyed. I am going to really love holy days of obligation now, for our schola gets to sing for all of them at our parish!
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • Reminds me of a trick question for the best Confirmation-time exam ever.

    How many Holy Days of Obligation are there?
    a. Nine.
    b. Ten.
    c. Eleven.
    d. About sixty.
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    For the Vigil of the Assumption, we had two singers (I was one) and an organist. The program:

    Prior to Mass: Salve Regina (chant)- solo; then Introit (SEP)
    Opening Hymn
    Offertory (SEP)
    Communio (SEP); followed by Ave Maria- Bach/Gounod- solo
    Closing Hymn

    No one's head exploded from lack of active participation but we did get several nice compliments about how prayerful the music was. Our pastor was the celebrant and he said he liked it too, even though I'm pretty sure he had no idea what we actually did.
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Assumption evening mass.
    Opening hymn: Hail Holy Queen
    ICEL chant Gloria
    Offertory: Schubert Ave Maria - soprano solo
    ICEL chant Sanctus, etc.
    Communion: Magnificat by Richard Rice, then hymn: At That First Eucharist, Peeters Ave Maria (organ)
    Recessional hymn: Immaculate Mary
    Postlude: Something French Baroque - I forget now what it was.
  • Our pastor was the celebrant and he said he liked it too, even though I'm pretty sure he had no idea what we actually did.

    Try it on a Sunday. See if he notices.
  • Assumption evening mass.
    SEP Introit as Celebrant entered from sacristy.
    Entrance: HAIL HOLY QUEEN
    Ordinary setting: St. Ann Mass
    GA- Mode VI
    Offertory: SEP Offertorio/AVE MARIA (plainsong, Latin/Eng)
    Communion: SEP Communio/HOLY IS HIS NAME/SALVE REGINA (Latin/Eng.)