New work for Oakland Diocese 50th Anniversary Jubilee Mass, Aug. 22.
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    I thought the community here might be interested in this new work, commissioned by the Diocese of Oakland for the 50th Anniversary Jubilee Mass. It is the Communion antiphon, Diffusa Est Gratia, for the Feast of the BVM, Queen of the World.

    I have had to take down the score due to copyright issues. Please contact me at compozor(at)mac(dot)com for a perusal copy.

    Video here:

    Pax Christi,
    Frank La Rocca
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    Wow, thank you, Frank!

    Chuck Giffen
    Thanked by 1compozor
  • Dear Professor, I noticed in a brief glance divisi in all parts for about half the work, and then SATB until the final cadence. If my fall numbers are as projected, divisi in all but the basses disappears. Ideas?
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    Thank you, Chuck!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    Dear Charles, it would not be destructive of the piece to thin out those divisi in the SAT parts. It was a luxury I took advantage of for the occasion in the Cathedral, but they are not necessary in any fundamental sense. If you think you'd have use for it, I'd be happy to send you a version with divisi only in the bass.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    I'm going to try to upload a MIDI mp3 later.

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,189
    Is it for use at liturgy? Are you offering it here for use as I wish to use it? Stunning work!
    Thanked by 1compozor
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    Could anyone tell me what the maximum file size is for upload?


  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    Dear Kevin - Thank you very much. Could you e-mail me? compozor(at)mac(dot)com

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    Frank, I think the upload limit is around 2 MB. Let me know if you have any questions.
    --RC (webmaster)
  • compozor
    Posts: 14
    Thanks to all who have answered the upload question. Instead I am providing a link to a MIDI playback file from my web server:
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    When the new software was installed here, the maximum file size dropped to 2 Mb, as I discovered when trying to replace a previous uploaded MP3 by an updated one. So I have to set my (Switdch) File Coverter to lower bit rates to get MP3's to come in under 2 Mb. CPDL's maximum is 5 Mb, which is how I've always tweaked MP3's in the past (and still do for CPDL).

    Frank, thanks for the MIDI link! If you'd like me to compress your MP3 further, just let me know.

    Thanked by 1compozor
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    @CHG, The file size limit is defined in a couple of places, and I bumped up one of the limits today, so the system may be able to take larger files now. You may need to experiment to see how the limit works in practice (I specified 4MB, but when files are converted to text for uploading, that may work out less than 4MB.
    Thanked by 2compozor CHGiffen