Letter to the Pastor
  • July 16. 2008

    Dear Fr. Donahue, Our "Trinitas Schola Cantorum" rehearsal was well attended tonight and the singers were excited about the packet of music for the Latin Mass. I left a copy of it in your mail box at the office.

    I think we have the most wonderful opportunity to offer the Gregorian/Tridentine Mass as the Pope has allowed us to do. I have a feeling the response to it will be widespread! This mass could not be more perfectly offered than it will be in our glorious sanctuary and nave of our beautiful Most Holy Trinity Church. How incredible the priests/parishioners of the 1960s and 1970's at MHT did not take away the marble altar, rail and kneeler at the sanctuary steps, which helps identify the division between the sanctuary and the nave. We can kneel to receive, as we did at Loyola, and I am confident we will have Catholics come worship with us from many parishes in our deanery and neighboring S.C.

    I am very honored to coach the schola for the Latin Mass music and thankful our Holy Father in Rome has so justly allowed priests to begin to offer the Gregorian Mass in parishes that desire it. Thank you, Fr. Donahue for being willing to do this for our Catholic community. It is only right and honorable to do so. There is a great call from our Catholic community for us to be the church that offers this holy Tridentine/Gregorian Mass to all those who want to worship in this fashion. How proud we are of you that you are learning this mass, especially since it was not part of your study in seminary.

    I have now experienced the Tridentine Mass for two years at the CMAA Colloquium and I have to say - there are so many contemplative aspects of the Tridentine Mass I appreciate. There is a ground swell of interest in Augusta, N. August, SC and Aiken, SC. We will experience the spiritual riches afforded to us from the early church, since our dear Pope Benedict recognizes the Catholic Church wants and needs the roots of the Holy Church experienced again and again, and never allowing the possibility for the celebration of the Gregorian Mass to go into the shadows again.

    When I was at Loyola attending and singing for the Tridientine Mass, I so enjoyed the quiet moments for the congregation. I prayed, I read the prayers the priest was praying, and I know I was in a state of grace as a result. And, how warming to see the priest facing the altar and praying for us and with us during the Holy Mass. Thank you, Fr. Donahue. This community of Catholics who wish to have the Tridentine Mass celebrated in our area will be ever grateful to you for your willingness to learn this mass. I know it has not been easy. Tonight as the schola began learning the new Latin liturgical music, I could feel and see an even more worshipful acceptance and attitude among the enthusiastic and dedicated singers. You would have been very moved by their willingness and verve in their preparations.

    Anthony Almeter, who attended the Colloquium from Southern Catholic College came to sing tonight. He is a joy! If we have the first Tridentine Mass by or on Sunday, September 7, he will still be in town to sing before returning to SCC, and can travel after the mass, even if it is in the evening. I am thrilled to have him join us. He is a dear soul who loves Gregorian Chant that accompanies the Tridentine and his presence along with the other singers was an inspiration to me.

    Fr. Donahue, who knows - we may draw a loyal large congregation of Catholics who want to worship in the fashion of the historic Catholic Church more so than in the 'loose fashion' many catholic churches present their Novos Ordo - Latin or English. Thank you for what you are doing. I think we will be astonished at the support this mass will have and I think it will hold true to the faithful in their continued attendance. We may find that people join our church 'because' we do offer the opportunity for the Holy Mass of our ancestors. God bless Pope Benedict and pray for his longevity.... he will reform the reform of the American Catholics in particular. Thank God we will be offering opportunities for English and Latin Masses at Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church. There is truly a need for this mass in our Catholic community.

    God Bless you and your many missions at Most Holy Trinity, especially this one,

    Dr. Nancy Thurmond Sutton
    Organist/Director of Music and Choirs
    Catholic Church of the Most Holy Trinity
    811 Telfair Street
    Augusta, GA 30907
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    God bless you, Dr Sutton, your schola and Fr Donahue.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • janetgorbitzjanetgorbitz
    Posts: 968
    Nancy, please give us updates on how this is going for you! Very exciting... Janet.
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    Nancy You use the term "Gregorian Mass". What exactly is the meaning of this term? When I googled it, I found it to mean a series
    of 30 consecutive masses celebrated in honor of St. Gregory the Great (something like that). Don't you mean the EF 1962 Mass? I'm confused.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Jan: the "Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite" is the proper term given to the Mass by Pope Benedict. There are other names for it, each with different implications, such as the "Pian Mass", "Traditional Latin Mass", "Mass of the Ages", "Gregorian Rite", "Johannine Missal", "1962 Missal", etc. The term "Gregorian Mass" was made popular, I believe, by Rajinth a couple weeks ago.
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    Gavin: Do you have a online source for Rajinth's use of the term Gregorian Mass? Somehow I don't care for it since is sounds like Gregorian chant is only sung at at Latin Mass. But I need more info about this? Also who's Rajinth? (I live in a cave).

    (Sorry all for changing the subject).
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    I tracked down Rajinth but still need the quote.
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Good for you, Nants!
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    My mistake, it was Cdl. Castrillon who made up the term: http://wdtprs.com/blog/2008/06/more-on-what-card-castrillon-hoyos-said-to-the-press-in-london-about-the-tlm/

    I think "EF" is the perfect terminology. One cannot legitimately call it another "Rite", since that implies that the EF is not Roman! I don't think "Use" is really appropriate. I admit that I don't know the meaning of the term "Use", but I believe it's connected with a particular group (The "Anglican Use" is associated with converts from High Anglicanism, the "Sarum Use" was associated with England, etc.) What we have with the 1962 Missal, however, is something for the WHOLE church. What goes on at your local OF is the same as the EF, just in a different form. The word "form", I think, keeps the universality intact for both the OF and EF.
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    I found it. Cdl Castrillon announced the Gregorian Rite (the 'just' or 'correct name for the EF Mass) to be restored in every parish in the western world. (June 21 2008). I was at the Colloquium having too much fun & I missed it. It's probably on The New Liturgical Movement Blog somewhere.

    Nancy: Good luck with your Gregorian Rite (EF Mass). Keep us posted.