I'd be hard pressed to remember any individual expression, but any number of Wilko's little jokes or illustrations were invaluable. Great example of how to lighten the mood of a group so that it can press forward!
Too many moments for me to pick...ok...the last Ave Maria at the last Mass. I LOVED the choir interspersed throughout the congregation.
Second favorite moment...watching the two small children in front of me at the last Mass. Neither one was more than five years old and both were enraptured by the Mass.
Meeting Charles was another high point. Which was pretty cool considering that I met him on Monday at the opening dinner. :)
• Fr. Guy Nicholls' homily for the Feast of St. Irenaeus — an inspiring blend of hagiography, liturgical catechesis, and — what's this? — use of the Proper Introit as homiletic material.* • Chanting under the direction of Jeffrey Morse for the first time ever
*Would that more homilists mine the riches of the sung Propers. (I'd love to hear a homily incorporate the phrase, "Later on, as we listen to/sing the Offertory/Communion…" — an explicit call to heightened awareness/participatio actuosa)
Sitting in the bright, expectant silence of the cathedral choir room after morning prayer, anticipating the start of chant practice.
Trying not to be a runaway schola.
Singing my favorite part of Monteverdi's Sanctus; it reminds me of a Renaissance tune.
The "evil conductor" look Mr. Brouwers gave the Soprano section when we sang "Plen-ni sunt caeli" correctly the first time, and then botched it right after. It's hard to sing when the conductor makes you laugh!
Wilko dancing about during the Monteverdi and then doing his frog impression. The ever-present angels in the cathedral. The crystal clear voices of the children of the choir school (also angelic!) Finding out that Charles is starting to get healthier! Calamari and chianti for 12 and reminding the waiter that 'Catholics are good tippers'!
Every liturgy was absolutely stunning in splendor and musical richness. It was truly an offering of the best we poor humans can do to the Best and Greatest. And this is so wonderfully countercultural.
The tremendously beautiful Masses. Mr. Jeffrey Morse's seeming omniscience about the Chant, and his never-ending enthusiastic speeches about it (and about many other things too!). Also his Britishness, for being a Californian. Mr. Brouwer's most entertaining sense of humor. Singing the Monteverdi Mass! Jonathan Ryan (I think it was him) practicing the organ in the Cathedral. The Madeleine children's choir! Taking a walk through the city at night and saying/singing the rosary in the park on the way back.
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