Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    I am searching for a Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Is anyone familiar with a 2 or 3-part Sacred Heart Mass? I do like the one which Jacob Bancks had posted in an old thread:
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    Does anyone have familiarity with Josef Gruber's 3-part "Missa in hon. S.S. Cordis Jesu?"
    Is it written for men, women, or SAB? Difficulty level?
  • I would second Jacob Bancks' Most Sacred Heart Mass. Our parish priest decided against teaching a metrical setting when the corrected translations came out (the main mass is EF; only the vigil and the 8 am Sunday masses are OF) and we just kept on with the Latin chants from before except for saying the Gloria. But Bancks' was the metrical setting I recommended for if/when we start singing an English setting.

    (FWIW, my recommendation for a chant-style English setting of MR3 is Aris' Mass in honor of Our Lady of Good Help.)

    I'd also like to hear about the Gruber. (My home parish is a Sacred Heart.)
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    Whadayaknow? I decided to go spelunking into my music collection today (requires me to bend and burrow into Rubbermaid bins - This storage system makes me feel so primitive), and guess what I found? The score for "Jubilee Mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart" by W.J. Marsh (McLaughlin & Reilly, 1923) written for 2 Equal SAB or SATB Voices.
    It is inscribed to Very Rev. Robert M. Nolan, Fort Worth, Texas, and especially written for his Silver Jubilee in May, 1923. It just might be doable. I'd still love to see that Gruber Mass though.
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    I'm an impulse-driven creature, so just placed an order for the Gruber score and SAB parts. I'll let you know, Patricia Cecilia, when I receive it.