Suggestions for a "Red Mass"
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
    Some parishes celebrate "Baccalaureate" Masses for students who are graduating from public schools. We are considering some kind of "Convocation" or dedication for the start of the school year for our local public schools. Something like the Masses for police officers or firefighters or the Supreme Court.

    Aiming for the last week of July or first week of August this year, and I was hoping someone from the forum could offer ideas/suggestions:

    - choosing a date, feast, Mass of Holy Spirit?
    - Mass or Prayer Service or Vespers?
    - selecting the music for the occasion
    - existing examples
    - academic regalia?

    Or perhaps you'd share some excellent things you've seen at Baccalaureate Masses that could be incorporated into this Convocation/Dedication ceremony?

    Thank you
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,697

    I've always liked the hymn With Jesus For Hero found in Worship 3 for graduation Masses. I used it as the Recessional hymn at just about every graduation Mass I ever played.
  • I always liked the hymn 'O God Beyond All Praising' or the St. Anne tune 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past' for these types of Masses. You know the text:

    "O God, our help, in ages past,
    our hope for years to come;
    our shelter from the stormy blast
    and our eternal home."