Hymn(s) for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    I have once again taken the SSPX hymn in honour of Saint Pius X, and replaced the lyrics.

    First, the Latin. The versions (there are three) begin with Sacrosancta Trinitas. They are in the form akin to that of the Trisagion, where each individual Person is addressed.

    Second, the English. It is a metred version of the first Latin version.

    Download away if you find them prudently useful.
    Finale 2009 - [Sacrosancta Trinitas I].pdf
    Finale 2009 - [Sacrosancta Trinitas II].pdf
    Finale 2009 - [Sacrosancta Trinitas III].pdf
    Finale 2009 - [O Most Holy Trinity].pdf
    Thanked by 1ElizabethB