Please forgive me....
  • May 25, 2012

    Know All Men by These Presents:

    I hereby apologize for violating the following:

    *Chapter 14 of Motu Propio (p. 113) for singing alone while playing keyboard with variety of musical sounds, namely, piano, woodwinds, brasses and sometimes, with percussion sounds stating:

    The duties of a Catholic organist fall naturally into
    four divisions:

    (1) The accompaniment of " figured " music.
    (2) The playing of solos before and after service.
    (3) The accompaniment of Plainsong.
    (4) Extemporising at the proper places during Mass
    and Office.

    *Article 19 of Motu Propio with subheading: Instruction on Sacred Music I. General Principles p. 18 stating:

    19. The employment of the piano is forbidden in
    church, as is also that of noisy or frivolous instruments
    such as drums, cymbals, bells and the like.

    I’ve used piano sounds while celebrating the Most Holy Eucharist in the Immaculate Concepcion Parish, M. H. Del Pilar, Batangas City, Philippines and Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pallocan West, Batangas City, Philippines. In the latter, I’ve served as a soloist (singer/keyboardist) using almost all musical instrumental sounds in a modern orchestra (strings, piano, brasses, woodwinds and percussions).

    *Article 61 of De Sacra Musica et Sacra Liturgia stating:

    61. The principal musical instrument for solemn liturgical ceremonies of the Latin Church has
    been and remains the classic pipe organ.

    *Articles 81 & 82 of De Sacra Musica et Sacra Liturgia stating:

    81. Accordingly, the playing of the organ, and all other instruments is forbidden for liturgical
    functions, except Benediction, during the following times:
    a) Advent, from first Vespers of the first Sunday of Advent until None of the Vigil of Christmas;
    b) Lent and Passiontide, from Matins of Ash Wednesday until the hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo
    in the Solemn Mass of the Easter Vigil;
    c) the September Ember days if the ferial Mass and Office are celebrated;
    d) in all Offices and Masses of the Dead.

    82. Only the organ may be used on the Sundays of Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima,
    and on the ferial days following these Sundays.

    I’ve used keyboard instruments before during the Lent and Advent Seasons and sometimes during the masses for the dead when keyboard music was not allowed. I am sorry for this thing to happen.

    This happened due to the violations of Article numbers 108, 109, 110, 115, 116 and 118 of De Sacra Musica and Sacra Liturgia stating:

    108. Universities, and colleges of arts and sciences, too, must strive to deepen and further this
    musical, and liturgical education. It is important that those who have completed higher studies,
    and who take upon themselves the responsibilities of public life, have a complete appreciation of
    all the aspects of Christian life. Thus all priests who have charge of university students should
    endeavor to imbue in them a deeper understanding of the sacred liturgy, and the sacred chant,
    both as to its theory, and its practice. If circumstances permit, they should use the forms of Mass
    participation described in paragraphs 26 and 31.

    109. Young men aspiring to the priesthood need an even greater knowledge of the liturgy, and
    sacred music than do the faithful; wherefore, they should be given complete and sound
    instruction in both. Hence, everything prescribed by Canon Law in this matter (canon 1354, 1
    and 3; 1365, 2), or specifically ordered by competent authority, must be observed in every detail
    under serious obligation of conscience (cf. especially the apostolic constitution Divini cultus, on
    the wide promotion of the liturgy, Gregorian chant, and sacred music, of Dec. 20, 1928: AAS 31
    [1929] 33-41).

    110. Men and women religious, as well as members of Secular institutes, should be given a
    thorough and progressive formation in both the sacred liturgy, and the sacred chant, beginning
    with their probation and novitiate.
    Competent instructors should be procured to teach, direct, and accompany the sacred chant in
    all the houses of these communities, and those dependent upon them. Religious superiors
    should see to it that the entire community is adequately trained in the chant, and not just select

    115. Moreover, it is recommended that every diocese have a school or institute of chant and
    organ where organists, choir directors, singers and instrumentalists can be properly trained.
    In some cases a number of dioceses will prefer to collaborate in organizing such a school.
    Pastors and others in charge should be alert in detecting, and sending talented young men to
    these schools, and encourage them in their studies.

    116. The great importance of academies and schools of higher learning which are established
    specifically for more comprehensive studies in sacred music must be recognized. The Pontifical
    Institute of Sacred Music in Rome, established by Saint Pius X, holds first place among these.
    Local Ordinaries should send priests with special talent and a love for this art to such schools,
    particularly to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome.

    I am asking the Almighty God the Creator and you, my beloved brethren, to forgive me from all my trespasses and offenses arising from my ignorance, negligence, wickedness and stupidities while while serving the Holy Roman Catholic Church. As the Psalms mentioned, “I was punished, I was punished by the Lord, but not doomed to die.” I almost died but with God and with your loving forgiveness, life was restored and a new beginning arose.

    I hope that God and man may not punish me to death and that I may serve God and man for God’s greater glory and for man’s well-being and happiness. Amen.

    Thank you so much for your creations!

    Totus Tuus in Christo,

    Emmanuel Tio
    Address: 759 Libjo, D’Hope, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
    Phone: +63 43 4021121
    Mobile: +63 932 459 7760
    E-mail Address:

    Thanked by 1veromary
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    It warms the heart that a fellow Filipino is coming to know the true role of accompaniments in the liturgy of the Church (that role is embellishment). Mag-ibayo nawa ang iyong paglilingkod sa Santa Iglesia!
  • mantoniomantonio
    Posts: 22
    Don't worry, Emmanuel, I think many of us have committed the same or similar "sins" while in a state of ignorance. The beautiful thing is that we are all searching for truth and beauty, and we embrace them when we find them.
    I'm half-Filipino (my Dad is from Pangasinan) and I think that the love for music runs in the blood!
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    The love of music does run in Filipino blood, I assure you. Without those from the Philippines, I would not have a choir!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    Filipinos are awesome when it comes to music! :)
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze