Music for Confirmation Mass
  • I need some new music for Confirmation and was wondering what most of you are using. I have a baritone, a mezzo, and the children's choir singing. This is my pastor's first Confirmation and we have a new Bishop, so anything you can suggest would be appreciated. Please keep it simple. Thanks for much.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Veni Creator
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,501
    Veni Creator for sure.

    Do you know Veni Sancte Spiritus?
    It's the sequence for Pentecost, but I don't see why it can't be sung at a Confirmation.

    Wesley's "Lead Me Lord" could work. Just sing the melody, or use the harmonization in some way that makes sense with your group. We repeat both sections.

    O Taste and See: Vaughan Williams: Though my choir always goes flat!

  • MairiMairi
    Posts: 19
    O Taste and See is wonderful! One of my favorite pieces.

    The children's choir at my church is singing an arrangement of Come, Holy Ghost by John Cousin. It's for Pentecost, but I think it would be very appropriate for Confirmation as well.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Depending on the Bishop, he may be a strong encourager of singing the propers of the Mass. I know our Bishop here in my Diocese is.

    Perhaps check and see if they regularly sing the propers at your Cathedral - that might be a sign that he is strongly in favor of them. Or perhaps check to see if the Bishop has written any essays or given any speeches on liturgical/sacred music that you can find.
  • Our Confirmation Mass this evening at Saint Edward, Newark, CA

    Welcome the Bishop: "Ecce sacerdos magnus" ... Sir Edward Elgar
    Procession of Confirmandi: "The Spirit of the Lord" ... Chant, setting by Dorlaque
    Procession of the Clergy: "Caritas Dei" ... Graduale Chant
    Sprinkling Rite: Vidi aquam ... Graduale
    Gloria XV ... ICEL Adaptation
    Resp. Psalm 104 ... Mode VIII Chant, setting by Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, CPPS
    Alleluia: Emitte Spiritum ... Mode IV Chant, Graduale
    After the Gospel: "Alleluia al Vangelo" ... Andrea Gabrieli
    Offertory: Confirma hoc Deus ... Mode IV Chant, Graduale
    Offertory Motet: "Confirma hoc Deus" ... Antonio Salieri
    Eucharistic Acclamations: "Community Mass" ... Rev. by Richard Proulx (2010)
    Agnus Dei VIII ... Missa de angelis
    Communion Procession:
    Communio: "Qui vult venire post me" w/ Psalm 33/34 ... Graduale in Latin
    "Qui vult" from "Simple English Propers" ... Adam Barlett
    Motet: "O Taste and See" ... Ralph Vaughan Williams
    Antiphon to the BVM: "Regina coeli laetare!" ... Antonio Lotti

    Retiring Procession: CANTATA 129: Vs V: "Dem wir das Heilig itzt" ... J.S. Bach

  • Charles in CenCA
    Posts: 2,416
    258 x 297 - 61K
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • Charles in CenCA
    Posts: 2,416
  • If you have the luxury of Brass and tympani, Carl Schalk wrote a wonderful "Creator Spirit,
    Heavenly Dove" set for Choir & Congregation. It plays on the Sarum Mode VIII version of
    "Creator Spiritus" and the German chorale "Komm, Gott Schoepfer, Heiliger Geist," The schola sings the even numbered verses in chant, with Tutti on the odd numbered verses on the chorale. It's a spectacular setting for Confimation or Pentecost! Check it out!