Does anyone know of an English version of the Veni Creator Spiritus chant? I'd like to use it for upcoming Confirmation but my group is not quite ready for the full Latin version...
Look no further than The Hymnal 1940, no. 217 (first tune). The translation by John Cosin (1627) is a masterful paraphrase. This has been a staple for Anglicans for what must seem like ages. :)
It's also in The Hymnal 1982, no. 504, but without the very serviceable accompaniment in the 1940 edition (you would need the "accompaniment edition" for that).
A scan is available at (and the following page). The slight difference from the Gregorian plainchant melody is due to the fact that Anglicans use the Sarum plainchant melody (and it fits the English text much better).
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