Pentecost - Mass 1 Corpus Christi - ? Sacred Heart - Mass 4?
I know it's not set in concrete which Mass to use, and I have someone else to decide Corpus Christi for me, but curious to learn more about how to choose.
The suggestions in the Graduale or Liber are generally good, but they are merely suggestions. Apart from that, sing them yourself and listen to them - see if they fit the mood of the season/feast. Generally, the more melismatic Masses should be for days of higher solemnity.
Also important - if you're just beginning with a Gregorian Mass, don't try to get your schola (and/or congregation) to learn too many settings of the Ordinary at once. If I were just starting, I would only do at most three or four different Ordinaries during the course of the first year and slowly introduce more (if you wanted) from there on out. I actually think you can get by with four or five in a year (one for Advent and/or Lent, Christmas Time, Easter Time, Feasts/Solemnities, and Ordinary Time).
Thanks Skirp, it's good to keep perspective - keeping it simple. The big task is to get a choir meeting regularly so we can develop. We have a few singers who know heaps, but are busy - it's hard to slow down and treat it like we're just starting out, which I guess we are.
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