Which Mass to use for upcoming feast days?
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 163
    I've got these feast days coming up:

    Pentecost - Mass 1
    Corpus Christi - ?
    Sacred Heart - Mass 4?

    I know it's not set in concrete which Mass to use, and I have someone else to decide Corpus Christi for me, but curious to learn more about how to choose.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    The suggestions in the Graduale or Liber are generally good, but they are merely suggestions. Apart from that, sing them yourself and listen to them - see if they fit the mood of the season/feast. Generally, the more melismatic Masses should be for days of higher solemnity.

    Also important - if you're just beginning with a Gregorian Mass, don't try to get your schola (and/or congregation) to learn too many settings of the Ordinary at once. If I were just starting, I would only do at most three or four different Ordinaries during the course of the first year and slowly introduce more (if you wanted) from there on out. I actually think you can get by with four or five in a year (one for Advent and/or Lent, Christmas Time, Easter Time, Feasts/Solemnities, and Ordinary Time).
    Thanked by 2Mark M. canadash
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 163
    Thanks Skirp,
    it's good to keep perspective - keeping it simple. The big task is to get a choir meeting regularly so we can develop. We have a few singers who know heaps, but are busy - it's hard to slow down and treat it like we're just starting out, which I guess we are.