Organ Intro for ICEL "Mem. Acc."
  • Hi all,

    Any suggestions for how to "introduce" the Memorial Acclamation responses for the ICEL setting? Right now I'm just pausing on the first note, then going into it, but I realized (during Lent when we were using option B) that this is entirely insufficient to clue the congregation in as to which one we're using. Thoughts?

  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    I just played the first phrase: "we proclaim your death o Lord." then we sang everything.
  • Since all three have different melodies, you might be able to get away with playing the first couple of notes:

    A: "We proclaim your death, O Lord" (could be shortened to la-la-sol?)
    B: "When we eat" (mi-sol-la)
    C: "Save us" (la-do-la)
  • doneill
    Posts: 208
    I play mi-sol-la before the celebrant's "The mystery of faith," and a single pitch immediately following the celebrant (as it is printed in Fr. Anthony Ruff's accompaniment published by the Liturgical Press), without a breath. That single pulse seems to clue the congregation, and people have caught on.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    The intonation from the priest's part (assuming they don't sing it) - either as a solo line or harmonized with a chord or two.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,999
    A single note works for us, since we only sing the "A"