Four Favorite Easter Hymns - What are yours?
  • Bobby Bolin
    Posts: 425
    Might be generic here... but:

    Jesus Christ is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN)
    Christ the Lord is Risen Today (VICTIMAE PASCHALI)
    Hymn to Joy/Alleluia, Alleluia (ODE TO JOY)
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Let the Holy Anthem Rise (HOLY ANTHEM)

    Never get old.
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    In order:

    a HUGE #1: Jesus Lives (ST. ALBINUS)
    #2: Victimae Paschali, as translated in The Hymnal
    #3: He is Risen (NEANDER)
    #4: Awake My Heart with Gladness (AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ)

    Honorable mention for EASTER HYMN, "The Day of Resurrection" (you could sing it recto tono, and it'd still sound good), and Regina Coeli (in Latin, unaccompanied).

    It's probably easier to just say the only Easter hymns I don't absolutely love are "Alleluia, Alleluia" and "Holy Anthem".
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau
  • Mine is -
    Jesus lives! Thy terrors now (ST ALBINUS) [no. 88, H1940]

    Others are -
    Welcome, happy morning (FORTUNATUS)
    The strife is o'er (VICTORY)
    Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (GAUDEAMUS PARITER)
    Christians, to the Paschal victim (VICTIMAE PASCHALI) [the Sequence]
    That Easter Day with joy was bright (PUER NATUS)

    Favourite chant -
    Alleluya, Pascha Nostrum (Mode VII)

    And a minus -
    Hail Thee, festival day (SALVE FESTA DIES) :
    not this one (nor any of its siblings) ever got off the ground with me

    Oh! And the charming Easter carol, The whole wide world rejoices now - (Hilariter)
    Also: This joyful Eastertide (VREUCHTEN)
    And: Good Christian men (Gelobt sei Gott)
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau
  • francis
    Posts: 10,888
    regina caeli
    now the green blade riseth
    the strife is oer
    at the lambs high feast
    jc is risen today
    victimae paschali chant hymn
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau
  • Regina Caeli Jubila
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    The Strife is O'er
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Let the Holy Anthems Rise
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,217
    The first is far and away my own personal favorite (I've done at least half a dozen harmonizations, one set of four is included with the Vatican II Hymnal).

    1.   At the Lamb's high feast we sing (Salzburg, 77. 77. D)

    2.   Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (Gaudeamus Pariter, a.k.a. Ave Virgo Virginem, 76. 76. D)

    3.   Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands (Christ lag in Todesbanden, 87. 87. 78. 74, J.S. Bach setting)

    4.   That Easter day with joy was bright (Puer Nobis Nascitur, L.M.)

    Honourable mentions:
    5.   Welcome, happy morning! (Fortunatus, 11 11. 11 11. 11)

    6.   The strife is o'er (Gelobt sei Gott, 888 with alleluias 444, not the overworked Palestrina tune)

    Christians, to the Paschal victim (Victimae Paschali)
    Thanked by 1Ragueneau