Was good music used at the Papal Mass in Mexico last Sunday?
  • henry
    Posts: 244
    I was unable to watch the Papal Mass in Mexico last Sunday. Was good music used? What musical instruments were used? One choir member told me that Latin was used. Thank you.
  • Mark P.
    Posts: 248
    A mixed choir performed with orchestra. An electronic organ was employed too. The portion that I watched had some sort of contemporary (although not tasteless) setting of the Sanctus in Latin. The Agnus Dei was in Spanish. The music was dignified to me and concluded with the choir and orchestra performing the "Marche Pontificale" of Gounod. It was old-fashioned and thrilling!
  • henry
    Posts: 244
    That's good news. I'm glad it was orchestra, organ and choir and not guitars or a mariachi group.