Sound files Colloquium 2008
  • Here's a routine reminder: Remember who we are.
  • By the way, feel free to use this thread to provide links to any audio files you may have placed online. If you wish to have the CMAA host your mp3s, please e-mail me at aristotle [arroba] esguerra [punto] info and attach your files to your message.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    Bruckner's Ave Maria  in rehearsal on Saturday. Thanks to Watershed.

    [Link fixed]
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    Finally, here is the right file

    Ave Maria, Bruckner, Sunday final Mass 

    Tell me if this strikes you as classic, as in historic, as in unforgettable.
  • bshonka
    Posts: 6
    Even with my slow dial up connection, I've downloaded the Ave Maria. WOW! Can't wait to hear the Vespers. I'll have to go to the library with my jump drive. I can't recall ever having such a fulfilling musical experience as I had last week. Thank you for making this possible! God bless. Bernadette Shonka, Obl.S.B.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992

    I'm in the process of uploading my recordings and have a number available:

    Please don't go to the trouble of copying each file from the website - I'm still processing the files, and when I'm done I can zip up the whole lot and send them to you.

  • kelly
    Posts: 8
    Thank you for putting these files up! I get to relive what was a memorable and transcendent week!
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    More specifically:

    MISSA SIMILE EST REGNUM COELORUM: Tomas Luis de Victoria, one of five polyphonic choirs at the Colloquium, this one directed by Scott Turkington.


    Thank you St. Odilo Parish
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    This is not from the Colloquium but rather from the chant intensive that took place the week before

    Christus Vincit , as recessional with harmonization
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    It occurs to me that I never posted the playlist for the Sacred Music Colloquium 2008 (Loyola University, June 15-21, 2008). This doesn't include the organ recessionals and processionals for the EF. Otherwise it seems pretty comprehensive. All the music is public domain. It looks amazing/scary at first but remember that there were 250 people there and the labor was divided between 5 polyphonic choirs and 5 chant choirs. Of course, even then, it was quite the accomplishment for one week:

    Tues, 10:30am English Mass
    Introit: Hearken, O Lord, unto my voice
    Kyrie (Ambrosian/English/Oost-Zinner)
    Psalm: We are his people
    Alleluia (Plainchant)
    Offertory: I will bless the Lord
    Offertory Motet: If Ye Love Me, by Tallis
    Sanctus (Ambrosian/English)
    Mystery of Faith: Dying You Destroyed Our Death
    Our Father (Mahrt)
    Agnus (Ambrosian/English)
    Communion: One thing I seek
    Communion Motet: O Salutaris, by Pierre de la Rue
    Recessional: Hymn: When Morning Gilds the Skies (Laudes Domini)

    Wed, 10:30am Requiem Mass
    Introit: Requiem aeternam
    Kyrie: XVIII
    Gradual: Requiem aeternam
    Sequence: Dies Irae
    Offertory: Domine Jesu Christe
    Offertory Motet: Circumdedereunt me by H. Franco
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Agnus: XVIII
    Communion: Lux aeterna
    Communion Motet : Ave Verum, by Byrd
    In Paradisum
    Chorus angelorum

    Thurs, 10:30am EF, Missa Cantata, Feast of St. Juliana Falconieri
    Introit: Dilexisit justitiam
    Kyrie: XI
    Gloria: XI
    Graduale: Specie tua
    Offertory: Filiae regum
    Offertory Motet: Tu Solus, by Josquin
    Sanctus: XI
    Agnus: XI
    Communion: Quinque prudentes
    Communion Motet: Ave Maria by Guerrero
    Recessional: Urbs Beata Jerusalem by DiLasso

    Thurs, 5:00pm Holy Hour
    O Salutaris hostia, by Byrd
    The Litany of Loreto
    Tantum ergo, by Palestrina

    Fri, 10:30am OF, Votive Mass for the Holy Father
    Introit: Spiritus Domini
    Kyrie: Missa Simile est regnum coelorum by Victoria
    Gradual: Beata gens
    Offertory: Confirma hoc Deus
    Offertory Motet: Tu es Petrus by Palestrina
    Sanctus: Missa Simile est regnum coelorum by Victoria
    Agnus: Missa Simile est regnum coelorum by Victoria
    Communion: Factus est repente
    Communion motet: O Sacrum Convivium by Victoria

    Fri, 7:30pm Vespers
    Deus in adjutorium by Anon. Spanish
    O Magnum pietatia opus!
    Psalm 109 in falobordone by Lorente de Ancheulo
    Salva nos, Psalm 110
    Ecce Crucem Domini, Psalm 111
    Beatus Vir, by Ceballos
    Nos autem gloriari, Psalm 112
    Per signum Crucis, Pslam 116
    Psalm 115, by Cabezon
    O Crux gloriosa!
    Vexilla Regis prodeunt
    O Crux, splendidior cunctis astris
    Magnificat primi toni, TLD Victoria
    O Crux
    Salve Regina, Solemn tone

    Sat, 10:15am EF, Solemn Mass votive BVM
    Introit: Salve sancta Parens
    Kyrie: Missa Vulnerasti Cor Meum by Morales
    Gradual: Benedicta et venerabilis
    Offertory: Ave Maria
    Offertory Motet: Ave Maria by Gombert
    Sanctus: Missa Vulnerasti Cor Meum
    Agnus: Missa Vulnerasti Cor Meum
    Communion Beata Viscera
    Communion Motet: Beata Viscera, Isaac
    Organ Recessional

    Sun, 8:00am OF Missa Cantata, 12th Sunday of the year
    Introit: Dominus fortitudo
    Kyrie: Monteverdi Mass in F
    Gloria: Monteverdi Mass in F
    Gradual: Convertere Domine
    Credo I
    Offertory: Perfice gressus
    Offertory Motet: Perfice gressus meos - Orlandus Lassus
    Sanctus: Monteverdi Mass in F
    Agnus: Monteverdi Mass in F
    Communion: Quod dico vobis
    Communion Motet: O sacrum convivium by Morales
    Recessional Motet: Ave Maria by Anton Bruckner
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    Another interesting blog:

    The Sacred Music Colloquium last week was amazing. It started off with a meet-and-greet (which I have to get better at utilizing...schmoozing just doesn't seem to come naturally to me) and getting settled in sub-par university dorms and starting the routine of cafeteria food. Compline started Monday night and lauds Tuesday morning, with the realisation that we were scheduled for fourteen-hour days (including meals).

    Monday night I nipped into the Madonna Della Strada chapel before it was locked up for the night. Boring architecture, but beautiful acoustics; I was able to chant a rosary and sing chords at myself. I knew the week was only going to get better, and things did not disappoint. Tuesday we had our first mass in English with simple motets like "If Ye Love Me" and Messiaen-esque organ improvisations by Horst Buchholz. Wednesday morning we held a Requiem mass for deceased members of the CMAA. All the chants made me think of Duruflé, and the stillness and sacredness of it all was simply stunning. My chant group sang the solemn introit for the processional, which set the mass and brought it completely out of the world and into the sacred.

    The week was simply awe-inspiring. Some two-hundred fifty church musicians gathered to learn chant and polyphony within a few days, singing it all in context in a beautiful acoustic with top-notch conductors and organists. We rehearsed a beautiful Agnus Dei by Cristobal Morales (where the entries are exactly five beats apart) on the tenth floor of Damen Hall with a view of a hundred different hues of blue between the sky and the sea. Solemn processions of priests and brothers accompanied by chant and Messiaen, postludes without clapping, and an austere solemnity was the norm. Mass was truly out of this world.

    Some of the week is indescribable. The view of the sea with the thunderstorms is not capturable on film. The atmosphere in the chapel during mass cannot be adequately described in words. Something very special happened last week, and I am glad to have been there. I hope I am as lucky to partake next year.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    Here is a wonderful presentation of the Requiem MAss celebrated by Fr. Johansen. Fantastic presentation of images and audio.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I now have the remainder of my recordings here. If you want the whole bunch, go down to the zip files listed at the very bottom of the page. They're huge, but it's sure a lot faster than downloading each file individually.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    These are wonderful recordings! I'm shy to ask but is there the Holy Hour around somewhere?
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    Another fantastic multimedia presentation by Fr. Johansen:

    The Colloquium was a fantastic experience, and being able to sing such wonderful music in the context of real liturgy, rather than in merely a concert setting, brought home to me how this music was written and intended first and foremost as prayer.

    Indeed, a spirit of prayerfulness permeated the whole of the Colloquium. While the atmosphere wasn't retreat-like or POD, nonetheless everyone there knew what we were there for, and what the Colloquium (and sacred music) is all about: the praise and glorification of God in music.

    One of the things that impressed me the most was the instructors for the Colloquium. Quite apart from the fact that they were all superlative musicians and teachers, they all took very seriously the sacredness of what we were doing. It was quite clearly more than a job or profession or even something they loved very much. I observed in them a genuine and deep devotion and love for our faith. I was genuinely touched on a couple of occasions by things that either Dr. Mahrt or Wilko Brouwers said regarding music, faith, and prayer. It was this gently pervading sense of pietas, in the truest sense of the word, that raised the whole experience to something more than just enjoying good music.
  • Here is a nice video

  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    I think this was supposed to go under 2009, but I'm amazed no one has commented on it!

    If this is the sort of thing we can expect from CC Watershed when Jeffery O is comes out of his cave, let's cheer him on and 'encourage' him to finish ASAP!!!!
  • oh whoops!