Catholic School in Sugar Land Texas Seeking a Devout Catholic Music Teacher
  • We are seeking a talented musician who can assist in developing a serious vocal music program and potentially some later instrumental work in a PreK-4 through 8th Catholic School. Are you a Catholic who knows the meaning of "orthodoxy"? Are you talented in instructing 8 year old kids? Do you long for a school where there is real unity with the Holy Father alongside an exceptional curriculum that really challenges the mind? Are you ready to relocate to Texas?

    Please understand that this position will require much more than is typical in a Catholic grade school because the plans are far more than is normal. Graduate level study is preferred but an ability to work with the very young is also essential.

    For a talented leader, a pay range of $50 K to $60K is being offered.

    Please send a resume and attach a letter in which you highlight your education and any applicable work background. Also talk in that letter about your own convictions regarding both the Catholic faith and education but especially music. Familiarity with the Ward method or the Krak des Chevaliers Method is also a plus. We will review your written submission and communicate via email.

    Please submit your information by email to: or mail to St. Theresa Catholic School, 705 St. Theresa Blvd, Sugar Land, Texas 77498
    Thanked by 1BachLover2
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