Easter Vigil Missal Chants
  • Claire H
    Posts: 366

    Is there a modified post-baptismal antiphon in the new missal? Also, the triple-Alleluia is apparently more specifically referenced. However, I can't find online ICEL music for either of these two.
  • jpal
    Posts: 364

    By "post-baptismal antiphon," what do you mean? Are you referring to the optional scriptural acclamations given in the RCIA (for which there is not official music)? If you mean the acclamation after the blessing of the water, that can be found here (the melody is at no. 45 in the Easter Vigil liturgy in the Missal). If you are looking for the ICEL Vidi aquam, that can be found here, and the melody also appears in the Missal at no. 56 in the Easter Vigil liturgy.

    The refrain of the triple Alleluia is given in the Missal itself, but not the verse (or verses, if using the Lectionary version). I have attached the Easter Vigil Alleluia as it appears in the Gregorian Missal.

  • zechariah
    Posts: 10
    Where does one find a chant setting for the Blessing of Water in Eastertide to begin the Pentitential Rite?