New blog--Latin Hymns, English Translations
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    A few posts up to give you a feel for how it will progress . . . if I can improve upon the format in any way, please let me know!
  • bgeorge77
    Posts: 190
    Make sure to put in lots of Neale, my favorite. And there are quite a few talented translators on this forum as well!

    Welcome would be a few notes on the song, original author or liturgical provenance, date of composition, etc.
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    Yes, that would be nice! . . . care to do it for me? : )

    I've got four young 'uns around, so time is at a premium. I'll be lucky to find the time to google the various translations and lay 'em out on the blog! But we'll see . . . thanks for the comments.

    And yes, I'll get plenty of Neale in there!