Mass Settings from the Graduale Romanum - Survey
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    In light of the successful survey of people using the SEP, I'd like to do a little survey of my own.

    Who uses Ordinary settings from the Graduale Romanum, Masses I-XVIII, and which ones do you use? I'd be interested to know which settings are actually in use, and (relatively) how many are the most 'popular'. I'd also like to know if there are other settings which people like, and which I haven't been exposed to, that would be worth taking a look at.

    Our schola has sung Masses I, IV, VIII, IX, XI, XV, XVII, and the Requiem Ordinary. Not all are equally used, of course, and we're currently re-learning Mass I in preparation for Paschal Time.
  • At our parish, Holy Name of Jesus in West Palm Beach, the ordinary tends to be seasonal. The Kyrie is at the discretion of the priest or deacon. We use the "De Angelis" Kyrie from Mass VIII on "special occasions" such as Christmas and Easter. Otherwise, if we sing a Kyrie in Latin, it is Mass XVI. We never sing the Credo. The Sanctus and Agnus Dei, if sung in Latin, is always Mass XVIII.
  • Ihidaya
    Posts: 13
    We use all the ordinaries in the Vatican Kyriale, although not with the same frequency. The ad libitum chants are employed only occasionally. I think we use Masses VI, VII, and VIII the least of the eighteen Masses.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Used Mass V Kyrie regularly, with much success.
  • Felicity
    Posts: 77
    We use Masses I, II, XI, and XVII with Credo I on a regular basis. Mass I for Easter Season, Mass II for Feasts, Mass XVII for Advent and Lent, and Mass XI for most other Sundays. The Schola and Congregation know these well enough that no re-learning is required.

    Less regularly we also use the Kyrie from Mass VII ( I highly recommend it, especially for children.), the Gloria from Mass XV, the Ambrosian Credo, and Kyrie I ad Libitum.
    Of course, we use the Requiem for funerals and daily Masses for the dead.

    In the past we have also used Masses IX and X, as well as Credo II, III, and IV, but these have not been used in more recent times and would require a bit of re-learning.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    I wish. Our state is called 'mission territory'... unfortunately the mission territory is INSIDE the walls of our church.
    Thanked by 2expeditus1 a1437053
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA
    We started with Mass VIII as a default setting for Sundays & Feast Days. Introduced
    XVIII for all Requiems, and weekdays of Advent & Lent. Next introduced Mass XVII
    for the Sundays of Advent & Lent, then Mass IX for Feasts of Our Lady. Our Children
    now sing Masses VIII, XVII, XVI & XVIII and Mass IX (with the Adults). This has grown over the last six years and could not have happened without the support & encouragement of the pastor. This Easter we will introduce the Sanctus from Mass I and hopefully next
    year Mass XI for Sundays of the Year. Two things to remember: 1) Teach the children; and they will teach the adults. 2) Small steps, one at a time. If you stumble, dust off, stand up and try again.
  • hilluminar
    Posts: 121
    We have a very small choir, and use Mass X for most of the year, because it is short and sweet and easy enough for choir members who have not had much musical training. We use Mass XVII with Kyrie B for Advent and Lent. We have also used the Ambrosian Gloria and the Ambrosian Credo, as well as the Mozarabic (Hispano) Gloria with our choir, because they are simple and beautiful and very ancient sounding.
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    Our congregation sings the ordinary, Masses I, IV, VIII, IX, XI, XVII and XVIII.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    Advent: Mass XVII (2nd Kyrie), Credo II
    Christmastide: Mass II / Mass III or Mass XI, Credo I
    Sundays after Epiphany: Mass XI, Credo IV
    Septuagesima: Kyrie X Ad. Lib., Mass XI, Credo IV
    Lent: Mass XVII (1st Kyrie), Credo II
    Eastertide: Mass I, Credo I (sometimes Kyrie I ad lib.)
    After Pentecost: Mass XI, Credo IV

    Feasts of BVM: Mass IX or X, Credo I or IV
    Other Feasts: Mass II or III, Credo I

    At various times of the year we do most of the other settings... We don't do Mass VIII or Credo III!

  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    If I could only achieve half of what some of you do I'd be happy.
    The gregorian schola only sings once a month, which means it takes a long time to embed something in the heads of the congregation. At the moment we can do VIII, XVIII. We sing XI during Tempus per Annum, but I think that the congregation are not there yet. We do the Kyrie and Agnus of XVII. The only Credo is III.
    Any advice would be welcome on how to make better progress. I did think of a workshop - perhaps a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon - but that would probably only attract enthusiasts.

    It might be useful if posters indicate whether they are ordinary (like me) or extraordinary form. I would imagine that it's easier to make progress in the EF as there is less competition.
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    In the OF, we sing VIII on All Saints and XVIII on Pentecost; otherwise we don't use graduale masses.
    In the EF, we sing VIII, XVI/XVIII (Missa Mundi) and XVII for Advent and Lent. And the proper Kyrie in Requiem masses.
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    So, I don't see anyone mentioning XII, XIII, or XIV (unless I missed them). Anyone sing these?
  • I have used XII numerous time, both in Latin and in Fr Columba's English adaptation. I have found it to be rather easily learnt by a congregation that does like to sing. I have to take serious issue with those chant experts who exclaim that these masses were not meant for congregations and can't be learnt. If an entire monastery of monks (most of whom are not musicians, either), not to mention thousands of Anglican parishes, can sing these heartily, then a literate congregation can do so... if they will be allowed to.

    Off topic, but, I have used also the unadulterated Alleluyas proper to the day from the Graduale Romanum on solemnities - and taught some of the easier ones to be sung throughout a season. Some of them are not difficult and can be mastered by a congregation in a few weeks or a month. This is certainly better that those insipid little triple alleluya hippity-hoppity dance tunes that appear in R&A and numerous other books.
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    We too use the melismatic alleluias, mostly those ones in Liber Cantualis, with the corresponding melismatic verset, if we're lucky, or a psalmody, if were not.
    I think that the congregation are, at least, starting to join in with the incipits but they aren't yet there with the jubilius.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798

    Yes, as part of a Schola that sings on First Saturdays etc.

    The above list is for our Parish choir.
  • lautzef
    Posts: 69
    We have used all of them at masses when we are not singing a polyphonic ordinary, but I try to steer clear of VIII when possible, and the one we use most regularly is IV. We use bits and pieces from quite a few of them to supply the alternatim chant for polyphonic masses, which often have parts missing that were obviously meant to be chanted (e.g., the middle Agnus).