liturgic music for TTB or TTBB
  • Dear people, I've been reading the forum for a while and would like to ask you a question. I am a former assistant to the choirmaster at Antwerp Cathedral, Belgium. Together with some (former) trebles from Antwerp Cathedral Choir, we formed an all male vocal ensemble Voces Capituli (just tenors and basses). I am constantly looking for appropriate music for liturgy. I know the CPDL sites and so ... but are they people who could help me in finding music for male voices ? We sing polyphony and modern music, although not that much is written for male voices. If any composer would like to write us some music ... please get in touch !
    Dirk Maes
    Artistic Leader Voces Capituli
  • I teach at a seminary and have acquired quite a library of equal voices music over the years. Much of it is from Annie Bank in Holland. Is there anything you are looking for in particular?

    Paul F. Ford, Ph.D.
    Professor of Theology and Liturgy
    St. John Seminary
    5012 Seminary Road
    Camarillo, CA 93012-2598
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    CPDL currently lists 64 sacred TTB works and 174 sacred TTBB works. New works are always being added at CPDL.

    To find, for example, the TTB works, click on "Multi-category sheet music search " on the CPDL Main page, and then when that search utility page opens up, select "Sacred" under "Genre", "3" for "Number of voices", and "TTB" for "Voicing". Then click "List works" button and the results will be displayed in the form of links to the works pages for the TTB Sacred works.

    Depending upon the upper range of your tenors, some ATB and ATBB works might be appropriate, since many of these have an alto part that is conceived of as a high tenor part. CPDL lists 105 sacred ATB and 54 sacred ATBB works at the moment.
    Thanked by 1mmeladirectress
  • Dear Prof. Ford
    I am looking for mostly general music for liturgy (Laudate Dominum, Tantum Ergo, ... ) on the one hand, on the other hand masses. We sing each sunday so it is a challenge to sing the right music and alternate it enough !
    Dirk Maes
  • Without looking at my files at the seminary (I am home), I know I have Antonio Lotti's Masses for two voices and for three voices. I can scan these so that you can look them over. I also have Flor Peeters's little gem, Missa in Honorem Reginae Pacis, for two voices. Give me a few days and I can compile a list of what you want scanned. Monday's are my heaviest days and I am playing hooky from work right now!
  • Dear Paul, I got the mass from Flor Peeters ! I even sang with him at the organ, when I was a treble at Antwerp Cathedral Choir, I sang his Missa Festiva with him playing the organ ... I would love to see the Lotti masses, didn't know he had a 2part one.
  • Aren't there any composers willing to offer their music ?
  • tomboysuzetomboysuze
    Posts: 289
    Dr. Ford,

    Might you have the equal voices (or ssaa) version of the Annie Banks arrangement of Palestrina's Pueri Hebraeorum? I also sent you an email with this question. Many thanks.
  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    Pardon me for not analyzing previous entries, but here is a bunch of what I have for men's or equal voices:

    Anonymus Missa 3-Vocum Aequalium (1540) Annie Bank
    G.M. Asola Missa Sine Nomine I Annie Bank
    Hendrik Andriessen Missa Fiat Voluntas Tua -2 equal voices GIA
    Don Lorenzo Perosi Messa a Tre Voci D'uomo
    Orlande de Lassus Serve Bone - 2 equal voices GIA
    Anon XIII cent Czech Beati Qui Esuriunt WLSM
    Orlande de Lassus Sicut Rosa & Ipsa Te Cogat Pietas GIA
    G.M. Asola O Vos Omnes WLSM-Annie Bank
    Guillaume Dufay Ave Regina Coelorum (ATT or AAA) Mercury
    W.A. Mozart Ave Verum - TTBB GIA
    Russell Woolen Sancta Maria GIA
    J. Mitterer Hodie Christus Natus Est -TTBB McLaughlin & Reilly
    Gregor Aichinger Assumpta est Maria - 3 qqual voices GIA
    Henri Doyen Terra Tremuit - 3 equal voices F.X. Leroux

    Perhaps I can duplicate something for you sometime.
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Voces, check out Kevin Allen's Motecta Trium Vocum (excellent collection!) and also this:
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    Here is my 3-part Ave Maria setting, transposed for TTB. By omitting the Tenor 2 part, it may also be sung as a 2-part TB piece. The synthesized MP3 file gives some idea as to how the piece will sound.
    Giffen-Ave Maria a 3-TTB.pdf
    Giffen-Ave Maria a 3-TTB.mp3
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    And here's a TTBB transposition of my Non vos relinquam orphanos ("I will not leave you comfortless"), together with MP3 sound file.
    Non vos relinquam orphanos-TTBB.pdf
    Non vos relinquam orphanos-TTBB.mp3
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    Finally, here is a TTBB transposition of my A Light will shine on us today, the Entrance Antiphon for Mass at Dawn on Christmas Day.
    Giffen-A Light Will Shine On Us-TTBB.pdf
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    Hi Tomboy,

    I don't know Who Annie Banks is, but maybe you'll find this transposition usable.

    >Might you have the equal voices (or ssaa) version of the Annie Banks arrangement of Palestrina's Pueri Hebraeorum?
  • Dear WGS, I would love to have a look at
    Russell Woolen Sancta Maria GIA
    J. Mitterer Hodie Christus Natus Est -TTBB McLaughlin & Reilly
    Henri Doyen Terra Tremuit - 3 equal voices F.X. Leroux
    Thanks !
  • Dear Charles, many thanks, we will sing your non vos at Ascension Day !
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    Wow, thank you Dirk!
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    There is also this TTB Mass Setting by Kevin Allen.
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Dear dirk
    I work at a seminary where we have a large library of ttbb music. Let me know perhaps more what you are looking for.
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    Listen to Giffen. He is a great resource and a knowledgeable Roman. Yesterday, I posted a link here to our Compline Choir site which now has a free download of music for Compline Choir. The voicing is mostly ATBarB or ATTB, but there are a couple dozen tunes in there for TTBB. Of course all the realizations of Latin chant music will work with men. If you have some baritones that can sing falsetto, you might try it with our ATBarB voicing. I have almost everything published for TTBB, and there are some very good pieces there and a lot of junk. I need to make a list of them all with annotations.
    regards, as always, jefe
    In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum
    "Life is short. Compline is shorter. You can do both."
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    Here is my arrangement of a hymn from a Moravian composer for TTBB. I think the tune was written around 1500.
    regards, as always, jefe
    Come let us all_TTBB.pdf
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    There is also the Antologia Vocalis by Oreste Ravanello, to be downloaded from Musica Sacra.
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Some rep that I like:
    Three motets for TTBB by Martini, very nice (Cpdl)
    Motets and the Messe Basse by Faure
    Jexu Rex Admirabilis Palestrina
    I have many arrangements ask me if you need something.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Ravanello's Ave Maria
  • I have a list of links & recordings arranged for SA/SSA/SSAA here that could be transposed.

    Thanked by 2CHGiffen jefe
  • Who publishes Flor Peeters, "Missa in Honorem Regina Pacis"?
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 868
    Missa in honorem
    R E G I N Æ P A C I S
    ad duas voces æquales comitante organo
    Auctore FLOR PEETERS
    Op. 30
    © 1950 McLaughlin & Reilly, Co., Boston
    M. & R. Co. 1692-20
  • Thanks Paul, but where can we obtain it now?
  • I could send You An original copy of the mass of Flor Peeters.
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    It's only been 4 years since you posted the link. Thanks for the link to SSA and SSAA liturgical tunes, which are short enough to be service music and Preces. Voces Angelorum can use many of these in their Compline. When was the original printing of these. They LOOK old enough to be out of copyright, but it's hard to tell when the collection was printed since I see no title page. My guess is circa 1905.
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    @VocesCapituli (Dirk) if you're still out there, download the newest free music I've done for our Compline groups, about 2500 pieces, most for ATBarB and SSAA(T), but many more tunes for TTBB now. in
    and the newest added during the last year: docs added from 2016-05 to
  • I do sell for just 1 euro each copy the following Requiem Mass for ATTB

    Requiem Mass by Pedro de Escobar (ca. 1465 – post 1535)
    (ATTB) original. (Also contains preliminary study)
    Available in digital edition PDF files Price: 1 euro per copy*

    Pedro Escobar composed this Requiem for the funeral of Isabel the Catholic and it was later performed at the funerals of Ferdinand the Catholic and Cardinal Cisneros.
    It is the first Mass of polyphonic Requiem composed in the Iberian Peninsula and whose manuscript is housed by the Cathedral of Tarazona.
    Pedro de Escobar from Portugal was one of the most important composers of the Iberian Peninsula in the generation of Josquin Desprez. His work includes the composition of several Masses, a collection of motets and hymns, carols and a number of particularly the Requiem Mass as a whole recorded only once and never published until now. The importance of the Requiem for 4 male voices is that of Pablo Escobar is the oldest known of any composer of the Iberian Peninsula and one of the first in Europe. The work includes the complete works, a biography of the author and the corresponding notes to the edition.

    To order copies send us an email and we will indicate method of payment.
    * We only send copies according to the approximate number of members of the might need. If you just one copy to check it out, we send you a sampler pdf of the first part for free.

    With best wishes.
    Antonio Ruiz Asumendi (Director of Fidelio)
  • If you are looking for romantic music accompanied by TTB, let me mark this work by Theodore Dubois.
    Luca Spada
    Messe Sol.MUS.pdf
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    Pierre de la Rue almost exclusively composed for lower sonorities and his music, although more challenging than the usual Renaissance fare, is incredibly rewarding.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    La Rue is indeed rewarding, as well as problematic for mixed choirs! His 500th commemoration is this year, on Tuesday Nov. 20.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    @Richard Excellent, thanks for that we can sing his O Salutaris on the nearest Sunday!
  • stulte
    Posts: 355
    @VocesCapituli Would you be interested in a TBarB Latin Mass setting I'm writing in the style of the Renaissance? The Kyrie, Gloria, and Agnus Dei are finished with the rest being in progress.
  • I would love to have a look at it ! Planning our concert tour to Salzburg and Vienna and I always try to bring 'new' music.
  • Drake
    Posts: 221
    If you don't mind considering the works of an amateur, a few years back I composed a setting of Tota Pulchra Es Maria for three male voices (TBarB) which is released under Creative Commons.
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Dear Michael, it is lovely music. Would you mind me putting other words to it? The Tota pulchra text is hard to use at mass, and I love to piece that much, I would like to set 'alleluia' to it f.e. so I could use it more often.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    How about this setting of the Communio Gustate et Videte for TBarB voices? It can be used for general use, not just for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost (EF) or 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time (OF). There is also an English language version "O Taste and See". Also, both are available in other voicings.
    Giffen-Gustate et videte TBarB.pdf
    Giffen-Gustate et videte TBarB-canon-80kbps.mp3
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Drake
    Posts: 221
    VocesCapituli, thank you so much for the compliment. I am so honored that you like my composition and want to sing the piece often.

    It is difficult for me to think of the piece with different words because I started with the text and added the music as a restatement of the text. As such, the music feels inseparable from those particular words in my mind. For this reason, I’d rather not have a variation with different lyrics. Perhaps that limits its use to just the Marian feasts of the year or to those days where a Marian hymn would be appropriate during Mass.

    If your group sings any of my compositions, I would love to hear a recording, and I would be happy to link to you from my website as well.