OK, I get that a repeat of "Attende...tibi" is meant by the "attende" in this chant (because that's what responses do), but I'm a little confused by the "Gloria Patri...Sancto". I'm assuming that, since it's not a psalm tone, that one would just sing the chant that's there, and not follow it with some kind of "sicut erat...", especially since I wouldn't normally expect a Gloria Patri in a response. But I've never actually done this chant, and I'm working on a polyphonic setting and want to get the structure right. Could somebody confirm my understanding, or correct me if I'm wrong?
Just a look at the structure of the chant "Gloria Patri ... Sancto" has almost the same melodic structure as the Vesicle "Adjuva nos ... libera nos." This suggests to me very strongly to me that the usual continuation of the Gloria Patri is not to be sung here.
Yes, in responsories it is quite common to see only the older form of the doxology, which is just the first half of the full Gloria Patri. I'm not sure if a responsory even exists that has the full GP.
Coming in to work this morning, I realized that, and since I'm not doing well enough setting the GP and I don't really have to (since people use those settings anyway), I'll probably just forget it. But I wanted to check my liturgical ground before I did so.
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