Fr. Weber's setting of the St. John Passion
  • Does anyone know if there is a CD available of the sung Passion of St. John by Fr. Weber?
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072

    I don't know of any; however, I do know that Fr. Samuel has been having some (former?) seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon, his former place-of-work, uploading things to youtube. Maybe you can email them and they will record it? The web address is:
  • Thanks Bruce. I am not sure yet what we will use. This is for Good Friday at the Cathedral in Detroit. By tradition Sacred Heart Major Seminary provides this liturgy and this year I am filling in for the full time music faculty member who is on sabbatical and so must prepare this one, not my expertise at all.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Does anyone have an estimate of the runtime on this sung passion?
  • vogelkwvogelkw
    Posts: 55
    I did a recording about a year ago with runtime at 22:30. We used this setting on Good Friday this year at the parish. With accompaniment and it being our first time, the pacing was slower than my recording but I don't know how much that increased its length. Usually the liturgies are recorded at our parish since we post the homilies online, but I don't know if that one was recorded.
    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Excellent. Thank you. I'm thinking of incorporating this into a Bible study and am just looking for a ballpark figure, so 20-30 min is great, thanks!