Need help with hymn selection for vows
  • Peace!

    I have asked around for suggestions on what music I should suggest for my first vows mass in August. The problem is that all the suggestions I have received are the stock musical pieces that we tend to used in my province for our more solemn ceremonies under the Ordinary Form. What I would like to negotiate with my brothers is something fresh and new to open up our musical selections a bit. So, I was hoping that the members of the forum would help me with some suggestions for Sacred Music that could be effectively used in the Ordinary Form for a first vows mass. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Br. Gabriel
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Br Gabriel, what are the proper and lectionary texts for such a Mass?
    Is the Litany of the Saints part of the rite?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • Yes the litany of the Saints if part of the rite but we have our own Dominican version. Also the Dominican version of the Veni Creator Spiritus is sung during the prostration. As far as the texts are concerned we have great latitude in selection in fact we can choose all of the readings individually. My sense of the class is that we will focus on "my vows to the Lord" type readings but they have not yet been selected.

    Br. Gabriel
  • Ok, here is at least a little more information so this can be clearer. Concerning the readings: there are proper readings but the three of us have to agree on what set to use. However, there has been talk about the use of psalm 116 but that psalm is not part of the reading selections possible. So, perhaps if anyone knows a setting in four part that could be used as a processional after the introit I would greatly appreciate it.

    Also, there has been some talk about using pieces from Bruckner in particular the "Os Jutis." I thought that this would work well as an alleluia verse - any thoughts?