Clown Mass at Holy Trinity--legendary, or legend?
  • The list of post-VII abuses always includes the Clown Mass that was supposedly held at Holy Trinity here in Georgetown. Does anyone know if this really happened? Googling it leads to the typical morass of pointless links. There WAS a Halloween Mass, and recently, in the Diocese of Orange that got written up by Jody Bottum in First Things. Instead of the ancient Vigil of All Hallows, everyone dressed up in costume and the priest actually said, "As ghoulies and ghosties, we are now bold to say.." I actually think that was worse than a Clown Mass would be.

    Anyway, just wondering...
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Yep, with the help of the google, one can find it: there is a photo of the Georgetown Mass on the net, with links to a WaPo article and a statement by the pastor in the local Catholic paper.

    Here in Boston, a priest took it a step further and dressed as a clown, and an article with photo appeared on page one of the Globe April 3, 1978. I am told that he took the makeup off at the offertory.

    There is YouTube video of the 2006 Halloween Mass in the Orange diocese.

    These things are execrable, of course. It helps to keep in perspective that they are rarities scattered across a continent and across decades, though some folk speak of them as if they were regular happenings.

    Also, some photos and videos of such events actually come from non-Catholic churches or notorious dissident groups, and this is not always made clear: e.g., the infamous puppet Mass at a dissident conference in 2008.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • I actually seem to remember that picture in the papers in SF when I was a kid. I would have lumped "Catholic" and what we now call "mainstream Protestant" in the same category, because I intuited correctly that the forces at work were the same. I was Baptist at the time.

    I have made the crack that our Archdiocese is smart: they lumped all this kind together in one very rich parish. Cardinal McCarrick was much maligned by conservatives outside the Archdiocese, my friends all tended to admire him: he kept a robust Latin Mass at the Cathedral, I never heard of liturgical abuses, he encouraged his seminarians to pray in Latin, he was orthodox. So, as far as the concerns of people here, he was fine. I could do without his appearing at every political event in town, but it is the Archdiocese of Washington.

    And where the great harm is done is not in these abominations---the showgirl's cloak on the altar made me blanch--but in what is in the "missalettes" and in what is taught from the pulpit. Those are often "minor," by which I mean unnoticeable to the untrained eye, and so you look like the troublemaker for pointing them out.

    It figures there is a website dedicated to the problems at Holy Trinity. McCarrick's predecessor, I think it was, appointed a faithful pastor during the "crisis" over female ordination, when members of the parish wore priestly stoles and stood during the consecration in "protest." I always felt sorry for that priest.
  • Mike R
    Posts: 106
    I've seen photos from the 70s of much very interesting stuff. Probably tame compared to what was happening on the coasts or in bigger cities.
  • I have noticed that most of the clowns in our churches do not dress like clowns. No, they are clever and deceptive in that they routinely wear sort of normal attire, but they will annex themselves to the lectern before mass, intent on giving giving this amusing 'welcome' and telling people what church they are in (on the assumption that the people didn't know where they were?). Then, in an astonishingly irreverent and non-sacral air they announce the name of the hymns and tell the people to stand (Catholics don't know when to do this, you know) and sing (nor do they know that this is the moment for them to do this). The best and funniest clown part is when they raise their hands in the air and make jestures which they probably believe cause the people to sing... some of the clowns even do cute little pirouettes which (presumably) cause the people to sing even more. (I've never noticed, though, that this particular clown trick had its intended effect: most people just seem to stare, somehow knowing though that they shouldn't giggle at the clown.) Throughout the mass they may interrupt liturgical action or silent prayer at any time to give some unneeded directive, or wave their arms around, absconding with the choirmaster's and organist's prerogative of leading music.
    Yes, I have heard of priests actually dressing up as clowns for some scraping-the-bottom delusional notion that this is making the mass 'friendly' or easier for children (of whatever age) to relate to. However, the joker priest is not nearly as clownish or riotously amusing as the corps of announcers and not-really-real cantors who perform their jokes with perfectly straight faces and an annoying lack of sacred decorum. The funniest thing of all is that the people aren't laughing! - or even groaning!
  • MJO : exactly. Priests who attempt to attract attention to themselves in the liturgy are deeply subversive of the true purpose of the liturgy.
  • ClergetKubiszClergetKubisz
    Posts: 1,912
    Nobody needs to add to this thread or reply to my statement if they really don't want to, but I've been studying some opera recently and just couldn't help myself: you can't have a Clown Mass without singing "Vesti La Giubba."
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • francis
    Posts: 10,878
    clown masses still being held in Bethany beach Deleware. Two or three Sunday's ago a priest asked where the clown was in the church (where he was celebrating morning Mass). He turned around with his back facing the people for a moment and then when he turned around to face the people he had adorned himself with a clown nose and said something to the effect of "here I am!"

    I was not there to see it but my good friend saw it and reported to me after returning from the mess

    sacrilege. judgement will be visited upon us for these apostasies.
  • That video made me actually feel sick to my stomach. What uncatholic to see a priest speak about the devil handing out Holy Communion. I actually somewhat wish I never saw that.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    sacrilege. judgement will be visited upon us for these apostasies.

    Sorry, f, couldn't resist....
    Thanked by 1Olivier
  • francis
    Posts: 10,878

    You already have a lite version.
    Thanked by 2CharlesW Olivier
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Let the slings and arrows fly - LOL.
  • vansensei
    Posts: 225
    1978? Then I'm not surprised. The horror stories I've heard of 1970s Masses are rampant.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Francis, about the latest case your friend described, can you tell us anything about the details: did the priest wear a clown nose through all of the Mass, or some particular part?
  • In our diocese, there was a clown mass celebrated at St. Boniface way back in the 1970s. Now, it is known as being the home of the St. Michael Hymnal. So all is not lost - necessarily.
  • LenaH
    Posts: 34
    Wow, Stimson what a turnaround!