Ash Wednesday : New Missal and Collectio Rituum?
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    For the Liturgists :

    Last year, after Summorum Pontificum came out, the pastor decided to use the Rite of the Blessing and Distribution of Ashes, after Mass, as contained in the old Collectio Rituum.

    According to the rubrics of the New Missal, the distribution of ashes takes the place of the Penetential Act. Does that hold true if one decides to use the Older form of the Blessing of Ashes (which seems to be permitted by Summorum Pontificum)?

  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    I'd argue no, one does not omit the penitential rite. If you use the blessing and distribution of ashes from the old ritual (and certainly if you use it after the Mass), you've got two separate liturgical acts. You have a Mass (without distribution of ashes) and then a blessing and distribution of ashes and they don't interact.
  • There are several issues at play here. First, if the Blessing and Distribution of Ashes according to the Collectio Rituum is meant to take the place of the rite in the New Missal this would seem to be a mixture of two distinct uses (OF and EF) and not foreseen by Summorum Pontificum. Second, the New Missal does not envision a celebration of Mass on Ash Wednesday that does not include the Blessing and Distribution of Ashes, which is integral to the rite. The New Missal does provide for the use of ashes outside of Mass, but then the Liturgy of the Word must be celebrated with the readings, chants, and orations of Mass, Homily, Universal Prayer, Blessing and Dismissal. So I would argue that when Mass is celebrated according to the Ordinary Form, the Penitential Act must be omitted and the Blessing and Distribution of Ashes must take place, according to the rubrics, following the Homily. If the pastor wishes to use the older form, why not just celebrate a traditional Latin Mass?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Here's a few clips from the Missal:

    "The Penitential Act is omitted, and the Distribution of Ashes takes its place."
    "The blessing and distribution of ashes may also take place outside Mass."

    In my opinion, the best option would be to celebrate the Mass as usual, then commence with the blessing of ashes directly after Mass. I believe this is one of those times where the mutual enrichment the holy father speaks of comes into play.

    Yes, the GIRM assumes that ashes will be blessed and distributed during the Mass, but then again, if you use the old blessing of ashes after Mass, the ashes still will be distributed "at" the Mass, so you're not "missing out" on anything.

    I'd not omit the penitential rite, since it specifically says:

    "The Penitential Act is omitted, and the Distribution of Ashes takes its place."

    Obviously, I'm not infallible, but that's my opinion on the matter.
    Oh, for the days when we can have one unified rite again.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    My understanding (but I may be wrong) is that at the Ash Wednesday Mass, the Distribution of Ashes must take the place of the Penitential Rite. Whereas, there may also be a distribution of ashes outside Mass in a separate rite:

    The blessing and distribution of ashes may also take place outside Mass. In this case, the rite is preceded by a Liturgy of the Word, with the Entrance Antiphon, the Collect, and the readings with their chants as at Mass. Then there follow the Homily and the blessing and distribution of ashes. The rite is concluded with the Universal Prayer, the Blessing, and the Dismissal of the Faithful.