Does anyone have a copy of the following hymns: 1. Deus tuorum militum 2. Invicte Martyr, unicum 3. Æterna Christi munera, 4. Exsultet orbis gaudiis: 5. Audit tyrannus anxius 6. Salvete flores martyrum, 7. Iesu Rex admirabilis, 8. Iesu decus angelicum, 9. Iesu dulcis memoria, 10. O sola magnarum urbium 11. Crudelis Herodes, Deum 12. Sacra iam splendent decorata lychnis 13. O gente felix hospita, 14. O lux beata caelitum
Chants rather than polyphony, yes? If you check here, you'll discover LU has 1,3,4,6,10,11,14; and Antiphonale 1912 has 2,8,9,13; 5,7,12 don't seem to be in the appendix, but the texts are here and the associated tunes are indicted at the Global Chant Database (Google is our friend). I can't help but be curious: how did you come up with this particular list?
After compiling in three separate books the liturgies of Holy Week (both pre- and post-55) and the Officium Tenebrae, I am working on a hymnal for the Christmas cycle. These are not strictly hymns for Christmas but for the feasts within the Christmas cycle. Thanks, by the way.
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