Where did this Alleluia come from?
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Where did this Alleluia come from? I cannot locate this in any 1962 Missal books:

  • With the text "Alleluia Surrexit Christus," &c., and the necessary variations in the neumes, it is on p. 254 of the 1961 GR. The Global Chant Database shows what I take to be the same melody, set with your text, "Laudate Dominum," in several earlier sources, including the Graduale Sarisburiense.
    Thanked by 1succentor
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    Aha! Sarum chat! :)
  • The Ordo Cantus Missae gives "D 4" as the source of this Alleluia. This should refer to K.H. Schlager, Thematischer Katalog der ältesten Alleluia-Melodien aus Handschriften des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts ausgennomen das ambrosianische, alt-römische und alt-spanische Repertoire, München, 1965 [Erlanger Arbeiten zur Musikwissenschaft, 2]