Reference: “Unus militum”, Graduale Romanum, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Communion, p. 387; Graduale Simplex, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Communion, pp. 213–214
Source Text:
Antiphon: John 19:34 (ICEL translation, approved for public worship)
Psalm Verses:
Graduale Romanum verse set: Psalm 88(89):2, 3, 6, 15, 18, 25, 29, 34--35 (Revised Grail Psalter, approved for public worship); traditional Glory Be
Graduale Simplex verse set: Psalm 88(89):2, 3, 6, 9, 15b--16a, 16b--17a, 36--37a, 48, 49, 53 (Revised Grail Psalter, approved for public worship); traditional Glory Be
Mode: VII
Voicing: SATB a cappella/unison choir/cantor + keyboard; soprano line may be sung a cappella
The texts set in this piece have been recommended by Dr. Paul Ford as a suitable Communion for Good Friday; while Psalm 21(22) is recommended as a Communion psalm for this day, there is no Communion antiphon listed in the Missal or the Graduals.
Other English-language SATB settings of Graduale Simplex propers available here.
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