Solesmes Responsories for Officium Parvum?
  • I have the 2008 Baronius edition of the Little Office which is complete with all the music, but I am trying to find Solesmes (with rhythmic markings) editions of the same material. Right now I am wondering where I can find the responsories for matins; the Liber Usualis has "Sancta et immaculata" on pg. 384, and Cantus Selecti has "Beata es, Virgo Maria" on pg. 279, but other than these, I am missing:
    Felix namque es, 1
    Missus est Gabriel, 7
    Ave Maria, 7
    Suscipe Verbum, 4
    I will also need the invitatory, Ave Maria, mode 7 eventually; the Matins antiphons I have not yet looked for.
    I may try to get hold of the solesmes "Liber Responsorialis"; does anyone know if these pieces are in there/if it has rhythmic markings?
    Alternatively, are there any other resources for chants for the Little Office?
    Vale in Domino,

    P.S. What I am trying to do is make user-friendly booklets for singing the Little Office; one of the aspects I am trying to avoid is the newer style chant notation of the Baronius book (which seems to be the same as that of the Harker-Verlag Nocturnale Romanum). So far, I have Prime, Terce, Sext, and None done but not posted.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854

    Missus est Gabriel is in the Liber Hymnarius with dots and horizontal episemas.

    Perhaps if you don't have luck finding Solesmes' rhythmic markings for these and your singers require them, might I suggest using your musical intuition to put them in yourself - at least until you might come across them.
  • bgeorge77
    Posts: 190
    Please post the booklet here when you are done, if you can/want.
  • SkirpR: Any chance you could scan it and post it here? It would save trying to get the Liber Hymnarius on interlibrary loan.  The text is:

    Míssus est Gábriel Angelus ad Maríam Vírginem desponsátam Jóseph, núntians éi vérbum; et expavéscit Vírgo de lúmine: ne tímeas, María, invenísti grátiam ápud Dóminum: † Ecce concípies et páries et vocábitur Altíssimi Fílius. V. Dábit éi Dóminus Déus sédem Dávid pátris éjus, et regnábit in dómo Jácob in aetérnum. † Ecce.

    I have found Felix namque es in the Antiphonale 1949; however, this had a slightly different version of Beata es, with slight variations such as te/ti differences.