What are the manuscript sources for the melodies of the Graduale Novum and Gregor-und-Taube chants?
Not asking about the neumes, I know where those are from, St Gall etc. I'm asking about the melodies.
Is there somewhere online where I can see the actual manuscript sources for the melodies? (I mean, where are they getting all the crazy sharps and flats from in the Grad Novum? The intro to the GNov mentions a "Beit age zur Gregorianik"... please tell me some of this scholarship has made it into English.)
Beiträge zur Gregorianik (Contributions to Gregorian Chant Studies) is a half yearly journal, that constitutes the official organ of the german section of the AISCGre. They have published proposals for the correction of certain melodies for quite a long time now. There are certain manuscript sources that serve as base for these chromatical alterations (in 1996, Codex Paris B.N. lat 776 and St Gall 381 where mentioned in an article).
I would ask AISCGre, whether there is a corresponding journal by the english section (if there is one).
If you don't have any access to BzG, check the link which I gave in your another thread ("Original Scans Codex Neume...") - each restituted chant has its list of both rhythmical and melodical sources (web or PM).
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