Choir retreat or day of reflection
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    I would like to put together a day of reflection or a retreat for my choir. I'm using the following thoughts from Father Groeschel's book, "In the Presence of Our Lord", as inspiration. "It is obvious that the worship of the Eucharist outside the Liturgy is an extension of the prayer begun at the altar...I have ...observed that often those ...opposed to Eucharistic devotion participate in the Liturgy more as a socioreligious event, emphasizing the social aspect of the Liturgy...the attention of the congregation shifts from the mystical presence of Christ to the celebrant, and the Mass becomes an opportunity for a narcissistic display of technique, gesture, vesture... Such distasteful...displays suggest that the time for a true liturgical reform is again at hand." p. 100.

    So if this was your retreat, how would you conduct it or organize the day? What would be of utmost importance to you?
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 354
    I think a lot of times, because our attention is so much on rehearsing, we "lose" sight of the fact those involved in a choir are praying and assisting others in prayers. A retreat/day of reflection would be a great help in refocusing on that aspect of our role in the liturgy. Perhaps using that idea as your theme will help you create what you seek. May I also suggest some form of lecto divina, either with the Scriptures or other spiritual works related to music.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    Yes, exactly. We have begun the propers in earnest, three times every weekend. It is a real struggle for many members! There are grumblings which weighs down the atmosphere. I think it is a fog we have to walk through. That's why Fr. Groeschel's quote hit home for me. We were centered on having fun and singing well. We were centered on "we". This is why I would like a retreat. It would be wonderful if we could go to Salt Lake City, but impossible. So what to do for a day?