I just want to yet again make public gratitude to Adam Bartlet for his amazing work he has put together.
Today, I had to sub last minute for our home school group's "music director," Aristotle Esguerra, and thanks to SEP, I was able to prepare and rehearse the music for Mass today in under an hour, AND not use the psalm tone propers (except on the verses, of course :) ). I was given psalm tone settings of the simplex texts, and I was able to find those same texts in SEP.
I certainly agree. SEP is a gift to the Church. I was also a substitute cantor at this morning's Mass (I was supplanted by Mariachis today at my Dad's parish) and I used the SEP for the Communion antiphon. My parochial vicar had never heard the chant and really liked it. This was the first time that my parish had ever heard the SEP.
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