3. Do not underline urls (p. viii). This looks like you exported it directly from MSWord. If you can't click on it, it should not be underlined.a. Correct straight quote (tick mark) to curly quote in the ToC, "Apostles' Creed"; same on p. 54; also throughout the "How to Apply New Texts" section.
b. On pp. vii and viii, the abbreviation for "page" should be "p.," not "pp." If you mean "on page 1416 and the following," then the abbreviation is "pp. 1416 et seq." or "pp. 1416ff." More importantly, since not all missals are paginated identically, this is not a sufficient reference to identify the source.
c. On p. viii, you have "reverenence" instead of "reverence."
d. On p. 4, you are missing the word "us" in "that the Lord may graciously receive us as a sacrifice."
e. Wherever you have numerical spans -- for instance at the bottom of p. vi, "nos. 69-71," and the top of p. 30, "nos. 1-2" -- the hyphen should be replaced with an en dash.
a. "Two-fold" should be "twofold." Also, it is confusing to have a "firstly" but no "secondly." Not until I get to the end of the sentence do I realize that I should have interpreted the "but also" as introducing the second purpose.
b. You should not begin three consecutive paragraphs with "I".
c. Where you mention Bp. Morlino, you have "importance" twice in a row. At least one of these (preferably both, as "important" is one of the most overused adjectives in English, along with "interesting") should be replaced with something more meaningful.
d. "Assist you bring" is not grammatical. "God Bless you" has one capital too many.
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