Accompaniment for Mittit ad Virginem
  • Has anyone come across an accompaniment for the Annunciation chant, "Mittit ad Virginem?"
  • I located this sequence on page 133 of Variae Preces ex Liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu Receptae, 5th edition, Solemnis, e. Typographeo Sancti Petri, 1901.

    Does anyone know if there was ever an accompaniment manual written for this book of chant?

    Deo gratias.
  • Chants de la Sainte-Chapelle et choix des principales séquences du Moyen Age.pdf

    is as close as you'll come to any accompaniment harmonization.
    I do not know if it contains that sequence but it does contain harmonizations for a number of rare sequences.

    However I believe Mittit ad Virginem exists in 2 or 3 part polyphony from the 13th or 14th c. ...
    Thanked by 1expeditus1
  • As I am currently typesetting this Sequence in order to be sung in either: english, german or latin, I discovered that it has at least two different plainchant melodies...and 2 or three polyphonic ones.

    One of the melodies clearly stands out as superior...