Does Sibelius print? Since PDFs are so common, could you use something like this? I think PDFs would also be handy for many, since it is a very standard format.
I have the free PDF995 installed as a "virtual printer." The installation from Softward995 is simple, and all one does is select 'PDF995" as the printer to print to a PDF file.
ryand....EXCELLENT! I have an organist who can improvise them....but one who cannot (plus me...who also cannot)......This will be an excellent resource. Thank you!!
Two corrections. They are small so you can write them in.
-Tenor voice can be tied over on "Dominion" for Mass of the Day's Introit.
-The second "gates" during Offertory for Vigil Mass, raise the alto voice one whole step. It can be tied over from the previous note.
Sorry, I need to proofread better! These edits will of course be notated in the "completed collection" (dreaming...)
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