I'm also attaching a revision of the Introits for Christmas, reflecting changes in pointing of the Psalm verses suggested by MJO, as well as changing the Anglican chant music for the VOM HIMMEL HOCH settings to the same as that used for the SWABIA settings.
Note to MJO: I was brought up concluding the Gloria Patri with "world without | end. | A- | men." I only encountered "world | without | end. A- | men." much later in life!! But I'm using the later one anyway. Many, many thanks for your suggestions.
And here is the Hymn Tune Introit for Mary, Mother of God. The tune is EISENACH and my harmonization somewhat echoes Bach, but still it's different from his settings in the St. John Passion and in the Chorales (from which the usual hymnal version is taken). Psalm verses are, of course, taken from the Book of Divine Worship.
Edit: This evening (12/21) I replaced the PDF with a corrected one.
Adding to the collection, here is the Introit for the Second Sunday after Christmas (although this is often supplanted by Ephiphany). It uses the same setting of EISENACH as the (corrected) Introit for Mary, Mother of God, above.
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