All are welcome in this place
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 319
    What is an easy to learn children's piece that can be used in a school promotional video which is better than All Are Welcome? If I don't come up with one quickly my kids might be forced to learn this unfortunate selection. :(
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    How about Immaculate Mary or something like that? Nothing simpler, or "cuter"-- if that helps sell it.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    How about Gather us In? :P
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Maybe "For the Beauty of the Earth"? Not a children's piece, but easy enough.
  • How about "Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation"?

    We used it for a promotional video and it is easy.
  • I have a go-to super easy round from Taize- Eng and Latin texts- called 'Jubilate Deo'. Kids sound energetic and angelic singing it.
  • MA, that's a great suggestion, maybe lower it to C Maj.
    Another winner is Bob Hurd's UBI CARITAS. Kids love it out here.
  • Actually, "Christ is Made the Sure Foundation" would be perfect because, if you are promoting Catholic schools, then, Christ is the foundation for the education of our children. I chose this hymn for a video I was working on for a parish rennovation project. it was rather successful.
  • BG, I so want you to keep your New year's resolution to acquire music notation and sight reading skills. Because then you might have a whole other world of criteria and options to consider for what you think would be a "perfect" pedagogical vehicle for initiating a love of reading and singing music for children at worship. I'm not sayiing that the wide intervallic leaps and tessitura, not to mention how much time one might alot to contextualizing the text would require kids in grades 2-6 would be insurmountable, but it sure as heck isn't perfect. But if it works in Laredo, I'd say let them loose on EBENEZAR, ENGELBERG and SALVE FESTA DIES as well.
    I'd sooner, and have actually done it, let them loose on the chant UBI CARITAS than your perfect choice. But again, YMOV (Your mileage obviously varies.)
    I dunno, whaddyou think, Kathy?
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 319
    Hmmmm, leaning towards Jubilate Deo right now, but thinking I might have to do it in English to appease the masses. Please keep the suggestions coming! (They sang the Magnificat round from Taize recently and really got into it, so perhaps that is an option too....)
  • Charles. so glad you mentioned EBENEZAR -I forgot how much I liked it. and- Isn't it wonderful when you can say "let them loose" on a chant lke Ubi Caritas.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    EBENEZER is a great Welsh hymn tune.
  • Chuck, didn't suggest otherwise. But it idiomatically demands more from any singer than does DIX or KINGSFOLD, you gotta admit, not to mention other Welsh greats like AR HYD Y NOS or SUO GAN. My grandsons (five, twelve y.o.) regretably aren't living in Wales' singing culture, tho' our family does quite well in the singing department. Point being- they're more likely to know video game jingles that are as removed from classic hymnody as earth is from the Crab Nebulae. ;-)
  • The piece we used at school was called "Little King so dear and sweet", and is wholly appropriate for schools: it's simple, childlike without being childish, and focuses our love on the Christ, the little King. It is sung (originally) because of a devotion to the Infant of Prague. If you want a copy, I'll happily send it to you. E-mail me off-line: