Alleluia for the Feast of St Benedict: Vir Dei Benedictus Omnium Justorum...
  • Hello,

    I'm looking for the Alleluia proper to the feast of St Benedict found on p. 870 of the 1974 Graduale Romanum published by Solesmes. I don't have access to that publication, it's not available online, and the only other book I think that has it is a Liber Usualis from 1952, which I also can't find online.

    It seems that most of the older books (e.g. 1961 Graduale/liber, etc.) lacked this particular chant, as either a tract or different alleluia from the Os justi mass within the common of confessors was sung on March 21st; "Vir Dei benedictus" is not listed in any of the several Liber/Graduale indices I've downloaded.

    Is anyone aware of an alternate source for these notes? Thank you so very much.


  • Here.
  • Thank you, Arthur!

    Do you, or does anyone else, happen to know the story of this Alleluia? Was it sung anywhere before the post-conciliar reform? I'm guessing it didn't just come out of nowhere, but since it doesn't seem present in the old books I've searched, I wonder if it had been restricted to Benedictine celebrations?
  • The scan indicates this Alleluia was sung on July 11. This was the the date on which some monasteries commemorated the translation of his relics to the monastery of St. Benoit-sur-Loire in Northern France (from wikipedia). On March 21, St. Benedict's feast day, the Alleluia would not have been sung on account of this day always falling "after Septuagesima".
  • Thank you, Arthur. Do you know what pre-conciliar books would have contained it? Perhaps there are books proper to Benedictine use?
  • The Graduale Romanum published by Solesmes (no. 696) sometimes had feasts for the Benedictines bound in the back.
  • Thanks!