Immaculate Conception 2011
  • This is the PDF of the worship aid for our solemn mass for Immaculate Conception this year.

    What is everyone else doing?
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Missa Cantata for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (OF)
    Propers from Graduale Romanum, Mass IX Cum jubilo, Responsorial Psalm Setting by Rev Jeffrey Keyes, CPPS.
    After the Offertorium, Motet: "Ave Maria" a 4 ... Jacobus Gallus
    After the Communio, Motet: "Alma Redemptoris Mater" ... G. P. da Palestrina
  • I am doing this:

    SEP Introit
    Offertory: Sing of Mary
    SEP Communion and Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
    Recessional: Immaculate Mary

    Mass Setting:
    Gloria: A New Mass for a Congregation (revised)
    ICEL Cants for the rest
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    We have an EF Missa Cantata Thursday evening, and since we are looking to draw people into our community, we are having a short Concert of Advent and Marian music before Mass (the hook - "Are you tired of Christmas music before December is half over?").

    For the concert:
    Creator Alme Siderum
    Ad Te Domine (Offertory for Advent I)
    Rorate Caeli
    Ave Maria (Offertory for Advent IV)
    O Sanctissima (Kevin Allen)
    Veni, veni Emmanuel

    For the Mass itself, we will be singing the Rossini Propers along with an SAB polyphonic setting of the Ordinary that I wrote after attending Colloquium XX.
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    Here is the leaflet at St. John's Abbey. Latin Gloria from Mass VIII will be with organum. I just about eliminated the closing hymn, just to have a pure Mass once with no strophic hmnody - but you all don't live and eat with your parishioners, whereas I do live and eat with my monastic brethren. So "Immaculate Mary" it is.

    I'm not opposed to strophic hymnody at Mass and I'm sure it will continue to be used in most places. But I am draw also to a sung liturgy with just propers (or commons) and service music.

    Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB
    2011 leaflet.pdf
  • Lauds: Immaculate Mary

    Introit: SEP
    Gloria from the Missal
    Resp: St. Chabanel Psalms
    Offertory: Ave Maria Chant
    Mass XVII for Advent and Lent
    Communion: SEP
    Going Forth: Alma Redemptoris Mater

    at least this is my ideal, I may have to compromise depending on the response at practice.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I'm playing a lunchtime recital at a Detroit church on the 8th, so I thought I'd give it a Marian emphasis for the feast day:

    Prelude on the Introit of the First Sunday of Advent - Georges Robert
    Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 - J.S. Bach
    Variations on "Ave, Maris Stella" - Thorsten Maus
    Ave Maria von Arcadelt - Franz Liszt
    Scherzo fr. Symphony 2 - C.M. Widor
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    We're doing Victoria's Ave Maris Stella (the motet, not the Mass) for the first time.
  • We're doing the propers from the Liber, Mass IX cum jubilo, with Credo I, and Alma Redemptoris Mater.
    Plus Inviolata from the Liber, which it labels "Sequence."

    Does anyone know the source of Inviolata?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    I thought it came from the Parish Book of Chant :)
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Here is the leaflet at St. John's Abbey. Latin Gloria from Mass VIII will be with organum. I just about eliminated the closing hymn, just to have a pure Mass once with no strophic hmnody - but you all don't live and eat with your parishioners, whereas I do live and eat with my monastic brethren. So "Immaculate Mary" it is.

    I'm not opposed to strophic hymnody at Mass and I'm sure it will continue to be used in most places. But I am draw also to a sung liturgy with just propers (or commons) and service music.

    Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB

    Father Anthony, in the spirit of good discussion, I'm interested that you are doing the Mass VIII Gloria in organum. This is mostly since it's such a lately-composed chant. Could you elaborate why you chose it, rather than an older Gloria that would have originally used organum?

    I'm not trying to pick or be snarky, just interested. For what it's worth, we used to improvise organum on the Snow Our Father, so I'm cautiously pitching pebbles from my glass house...
  • Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
    Missale Romanum of 1962
    St. Mary's, Norwalk, Connecticut
    5:30 P.M.

    Prelude: Ave Maria, Ave Maris Stella (Langlais)
    Missa Sicut lilium inter spinas (Palestrina)
    Gregorian Mass of the Immaculate Conception: Gaudens gaudebo
    Motet at the Offertory: Ave Maria (Clemens non Papa)
    Motet at the Communion: Tota pulchra es (White)
    Postlude: Fantasie-Improvisation sur l’Ave maris stella (Tournemire)
  • Missa Idiota
    from the Crystal Gayle Cathedral, Harlan County
    Loretta Lynn, guest cantrix, Jeffrey Tucker and the Crystal Meth Schola Cantorum
    Don Ho, Baldwin Concerto Home Organ
    Roy Clark, guitar
    Ernest Tubbs, washtub bass
    Huey P. Long, spoons and scratch board
    Special guest choir: Oak Ridge Boys with
    Ms. Diane Bish on the portapottytativepizzanpipesorgel

    Prelude: MARY, DID YOU KNOW? (Some CCM tunesmith)
    Introit: MARY'S SONG (Millie Rieth, OCP)
    Offertorio: HOLY IS HIS NAME (John Michael Talbot) real slowly
    Communio: HAIL MARY:GENTLE WOMAN (ex-Rev. C. Landrey) with video of Carole dancing, even slower than the Talbot
    Thanksgiving: MARY, MARY, WHERE YA GOING TO? (The Monkees)
    Sending Forth: LET IT BE (McCartney/Lennon) ushers will guard the doors until the last "Nah nah nah nah" is intoned.
    O wait. that's about another disciple, Jude. Well, we can make it a medley.

    ooh, oh....did I just wake up from this weird nightmare I was having? Ooh, better lie down again.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    You forgot the Canticle of the Turning, Charles, dear.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, sissy, we'll do it as the POSTLUDE!
    I live to chant Rory's cantus'ses, canti, cantorums, tantrums, darnnit, what's the word I'm looking for?
    Over, definitely out.
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    Bruce L - No prob, thanks for asking.
    It's the Latin Gloria everyone knows, including many or most of our guests.
    Fr. Anthony
  • OF Masses, two different churches:

    Church A - where I music direct
    Missal Chants
    Processional: Immaculate Mary
    Offertory: Ave Maria [Imm. Conc.]
    Communion: Gloriosa Dicta
    Postcommunion: Adoro te devote
    Recessional: O Sanctissima

    Church B - where I'm a "secondary accompanist"
    "Mass Parts": Mass of St. Francis
    "Gathering": O Sanctissima
    Offertory: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman (Carey Landry)
    Offertory #2 (If needed): Let it Be Done (Chris Muglia)
    Communion: Mary’s Song (Millie Rieth)
    Communion #2: Ave Maria (Schubert)
    "Sending Forth": Immaculate Mary
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    English Mass:
    E: Tota Pulchra Est Maria (chant). Is no one else using this? Why is it different than the Antiphon in the Missal?
    O: Ave Maria (Schubert)
    C: Immaculate Mary
    R: Hail Holy Queen

    Spanish Mass:
    E: Tota Pulchra (as above) and/or Pues Concebida (OCP)
    O: Ave Maria
    C: Lourdes hymn (in Spanish)
    R: Adios Reina del Cielo
  • Our Choristers are singing for Mass tomorrow- unchanged voiced age 7-17. There are 20 singers, but so many are new that we're sticking to the basics and don't have a "flashy chora piece" in the lineup.
    All chant is unaccompanied, except we use an organ drone with the 'Ave Maris stella' to popular effect.

    I got lazy, and just cut and pasted from a reminder email sent to parents to provide the list below-

    Music lineup for Mass
    Prelude: Sounds of Joy (Concordi laetitia w/ Eng poetic trans.)
    Introit: Gaudens gaudebo (schola)
    Kyrie: Mass IX
    Gloria: Mass IX
    Gradual: Benedicta es tu (schola on verse)
    Alleluia: Tota pulchra es (all)
    Credo: III
    Offertory: Ave Maria (Psalm tone, schola)
    Offertory chant hymn: Salve, Mater (schola on verses)
    Sanctus: Mass IX
    Post- consecration motet: Panis Angelicus
    Agnus Dei: Mass IX
    Communion: Gloriosa dicta (all)
    Communion chant hymn 1: Ave Maris stella
    Communion chant hymn 2: (if time) Ave Maria
    Final Hymn: Immaculate Mary
  • For the feastday, our girls' choir will be singing for the EF High Mass. It is also our choir's one-year anniversary of formation.

    Preludes sung by choir: 1) Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest (by request of the Priest)
    2) Rejoice Virgin Theotokos (variation on the Great Znamenny chant)
    Processional: Immaculatam (chant)
    Introit & all Propers sung from Liber Usualis
    Mass IX
    Credo I
    Offertory Hymn: Alma Redemptoris Mater (Rossini)
    Communion: 1) Anima Christi (chant)
    2) Inviolata (chant)
    3) O Virgo Pulcherrima (chant)
    4) Omni Die Dic Mariae (chant)
    Recessional: O Purest of Creatures (Montani)
    Organ pieces (as needed): Ave Maria (John Lee); Elevation On a Hymn to Blessed Virgin (Raffy); Anima Christi (arr.
    Winchester). I usually tend to accompany the chant pieces (am one of those histrionic types that gets
    transported into another stratosphere when I hear the sound of organ behind the chant).
    Reception meal to follow.

    **Despite the bias (or insistence) of some folks toward the "Male scholas are to be preferred" school of thought, there are no teeming numbers of young men in this neck of the woods who are clamoring to be a part of anything like this.
    Not a one.
  • Charles in CenCA, with the ambitious music program that you have outlined above, I anticipate that your attendance numbers will be much higher than mine. I recently attended a Catholic school Mass, here in my area, where the children had sung the Beatles' song, "Imagine."
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I recently attended a Catholic school Mass, here in my area, where the children had sung the Beatles' song, "Imagine."

    It's good to know that the adults in charge are making church relevant to the youth by using some of their contemporary music that has so much meaning for those kids.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Well NO ONE likes the Beatles. Hard to see how such a thing could draw a crowd.

    Actually, I suspect that would be a very effective way to get people in the pews. I once got in a rather heated argument (at a family dinner) with a music director who plays guitar at a Catholic church. He spoke of the evangelical megachurches and asked "how do you get crowds of thousands to show up at Mass?" My answer: "Free beer." Don't tell me it wouldn't work.

    But the liturgical merits of either selection are something else altogether.
  • Expeditus (great pen name)-
    Surely you didn't think that ordo was "real", did you? And I'll stop calling you "Shirley." Bada boom.

    Where have all the funnybones gone?
    I'm just going to think of that broad, warm, and loving smile that Mahrt brings to all occasions for the rest of the day.
    Rest assured, Expeditus, the kids are chanting today, including Gloria XV. Better now?
  • While my Funniness I.Q. does operate on the dimmer side of the continuum, I was right along with you on the ordo banter, Charles. But please, no suggestions of beer bribery. Beer is the bane of civilization where I live; although, admittedly, there may be something of a correlation between recent increased attendance at parish Fall Festivals, and the inclusion of large-screen TV's (football) and beer in the tents.
  • Good news, Expeditus et al-
    What our school kids and assorted adults actually sang:
    THE WHOLE MASS and nothing but THE MASS- from start to finish.
    The ICEL orations, every one and all.
    After SEP Introit and SING OF MARY
    Penitential Rite B chanted
    ICEL Lhm/Glory XV
    chanted Collect, amen
    Alleluia (mode VI)
    (creed, Apostles, recited, sigh)
    Offertorio: AVE MARIA chanted in Latin, versicles from SEP, AM in English after vs. chanted to psalm tone
    Collect/Sursum/Preface chanted by all
    ICEL Holy
    Consecration chanted
    ICEL When we eat chanted
    EP1 chanted
    Per ipsum ICEL
    Our Father (chanted for the first time with our celebrant, our senior vicar!)
    Collect AND Non dignus sum-CHANTED!
    Communion: Talbot "Holy is His Name" what the heck.
    Thanksgiving: Salve Regina (Latin and English, non solemn tone)
    Ite Misse est chanted w "thanks..."


    Expeditus1, BTW, I'm the CMAA wino, don't do the sudz.
  • DL
    Posts: 81
    Well, here's what we did:

    Lotti- Mass 3 (K G S A)
    Introit- Gaudens gaudebo (Plainchant)
    Responsorial psalm- to mode viii
    Credo iii (alternatim)
    Offertory - Ave Maria (Plainchant from the graduale)
    Offertory motet - Dufay, Ave Maris Stella
    Agnus Dei - Missa cum jubilo
    Communion - Gloriosa dicta (Plainchant)
    Communion motet - Agnus Dei from the Lotti
    Hymn - Mary Immaculate (FW Wetherell, T Liebster Immanuel)
    Alma redemptoris
    Organ recessional

    Low singing forces this evening, hence the Lotti - which was a revelation to me: really lovely! This was an Ordinariate mass in the UK.
  • Looks like your priests are working hard, Charles! Seems like they're chanting almost all of their parts, which is rare in my area. Great!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    The Lotti "Messa a tre voci" is a real gem.
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 322
    My kids sang their second Mass ever for this feast.

    Introit from Anglican Use Gradual
    O Sanctissima in English
    OCP psalm and alleluia
    Ave Maria by Arcadelt (ohhh, they sang it exquisitely!)
    I Received the Living God (I'm not a huge fan of this hymn, but the congregation knows it and so do my kids)
    Magnificat canon from Taize
    Immaculate Mary

    We followed up in the church basement with the kids getting a ten minute lesson on the meaning of the candy cane and advent wreath, the history of Saint Nicholas, and a surprise gift from Saint Nicholas in their shoes (holy cards, candy canes, and chocolate gold coins). What fun.
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    The St. Ann Choir sang a Latin Mass, with Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, O.P. as celebrant. They sang the five Gregorian Propers, the Missa Ave Maris Stella by Tomás Luis de Victoria, and motets, Mouton, Ave Maria, and Josquin, Christe Fili Dei. A short form of the Litany of Loretto was sung as the intercessions, and a procession to the Lady Altar was made after Mass, singing the simple Salve Regina. They are singing Masses of Victoria for the major feast days in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the death of Victoria.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    They are singing Masses of Victoria for the major feast days in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the death of Victoria.

    Prof. Mahrt - you couldn't have chosen a better tribute for the inspired genius of Victoria. Thank you, thank you!
  • Mount Calvary Church
    Baltimore, Maryland
    Solemn High Mass

    Proper: Gregorian (Palmer/Burgess)
    Ordinary: Mass for four voices (Byrd)
    Creed: III, with fauxbourdon Et incarnatus
    Motet: Sub tuum praesidium (R Rice)
    Motet: Ave Maria (Parsons)
    Immaculate Mary (Lourdes)
    Sing of Mary, pure and lowly (Pleading Savior)
    Within the womb of Anna (Ellacombe)
    Ave Maris Stella (Near)
    Praeludium in g (Buxtehude)
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Here's what we did.

    Entrance: Immaculate Mary
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Gloria: One of my own compositions.
    Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia from "Respond & Acclaim"
    (only because the organ books for the Chabanel Psalms Yr B haven't arrived yet)
    Offertory: Ave Maria from the Graduale Romanum, followed by the Anglicized version from the Palmer-Burgess Gradual.
    Sanctus, Anamnesis, Agnus: All from the same Mass setting as the Gloria
    Communion: Gloriosa/Glorious things of thee are spoken (in English) alternating with (English) Magnificat.
    Recessional: The God whom Earth and Sea and Sky

    I sang the Communion and Offertory chants on my own. We didn't have a choir, and even if they had been there, the melismatic chants are really beyond us. I'm planning to start with the SEP after the first of the year, when they (I hope) come back into stock on Amazon.
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    OF Mass

    Mass VIII (acapella)
    Introit, Offertory (no verse), and Communion (two verses) from GR (acapella)
    O Sanctissima as an extra offertory piece
    Immaculate Mary as recessional
  • Low Mass, just two ladies (a lovely young soprano and utility spinto/mezzo yours truly)
    Processional: Immaculate Mary
    Offertory: Schubert Ave Maria
    Communion: Elgar Ave maris stella (I borrowed some tenor notes here and there...)
    chanted Alma redemptoris mater
    chanted O virgo pulcherrima
    Recessional: O sanctissima

    Normally my schola sings the Liber propers et cetera at one of the churches we serve, but it just didn't happen this year. I love all the Marian propers but particularly Tota pulchra. (We chanted the 'other' Tota pulchra, the Pothier, on Sunday.)

    (And for those who follow Fr. Z's annual rant on blue vestments, the vestments were white with dull blue-green orpheys with antique gold crosses and scrolls, quite elegant and beautiful in their simplicity.)
  • Missa Cantata at St. Ann's in Charlotte, NC
    (source: )

    Prelude: Ave Maris Stella (Gregorian organum)
    Introit: Gaudens Gaudebo (Gregorian)
    Kyrie: Kyrie IV (4-voice Goudimel)
    Gloria: Gloria XV (Gregorian)
    Gradual: Benedicta es tu (Gregorian)
    Alleluia: Tota pulchra (Gregorian)
    Credo: Credo III (Gregorian)
    Offertory: Ave Maria (3-voice Oreste Ravanello)
    Sanctus: Sanctus IX (Gregorian)
    Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei XIII (4-voice Goudimel)
    Communion: Gloriosa dicta (Gregorian)
    Communion Motet: O Sanctissima (4-voice Hoffman)
    Communion Motet: Alma Redemptoris Mater (3-voice Palestrina)
    Recessional: Salve Maria (4-voice arr. Rowe)
    Postlude: Salve Regina (Gregorian simple tone)
  • Church of the Holy Innocents, New York City
    Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2011
    Solemn Mass (Missale Romanum [1962]) 6:00 p.m.

    Prelude: Ave maris stella (Jean Titelouze)
    Messa a 4 voci da cappella [1650] (Claudio Monteverdi)
    Gregorian Propers of the Mass for the Immaculate Conception: Gaudens gaudebo
    Voluntary after the Gospel: Ave Maria gratia plena (Tabulaturbuch des Fridolin Sicher)
    Voluntary after the Offertory: Tota pulchra es amica (Neresheimer Orgelbuch)
    Motet at the Communion: Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
    Marian Antiphon: Alma Redemptoris Mater (tonus simplex)
    Postlude: Fugue sur l'Hymne de la Vierge Ave maris stella (Jean-François Dandrieu)