What I THINK might be helpful is a publishing and marketing cooperative, built to design, publish, package, and market Sacred Music resources in a way that people not currently using those resources, or not quite as online/free-resouirce/PD/CC-savvy, can get access to them.

    Primary Goal:
    Get more people singing better music.

    Secondary Goal:
    Provide an opportunity for composers, arrangers, transcriptionists, engravers, and Sacred Musicians to promote their work and maybe make a little income.

    That's my opinion.
    (And something I would like to be involved in).

    This needs further discussion. People need to have a reason to write music. We desperately need a "store", a blog, a promoter.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,223
    I have a reason to write music: because it's impossible not to write music.

    The CMAA seems like a good place to begin for such initiative(s).
  • It is, but after awhile we are preaching to the choir! It's a really good choir, but evangelization is needed. Guy Kawasaki is a master of that (apple) and he even attended christian evangelism training conferences to learn how to do it.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
  • Use a missallette format and embrace some of the current popular congregational repertoire.
  • If we are going to exist in the commercial market, we have a simple business model to follow:

    Worship Resources Sales Specialist
    World Library Publications, the music & liturgy division of the J.S. Paluch Company
    3708 River Road, #400
    Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158
    Email: hrrecruiting@jspaluch.com
    Web page: www.wlpmusic.com
    HLP-7655 Posted 11/3/11

    World Library Publications (WLP) is seeking a Worship Resources Sales Specialist to serve our subscribers and increase circulation of WLP worship resources. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree and/or equivalent experience in sales, marketing, music, and/or liturgy; excellent written and verbal communication skills; creativity, flexibility, a collaborative and cooperative work style; and the ability to travel and staff WLP exhibits at conferences. Bilingual English & Spanish a plus. Email your résumé to apply. Please note WLP SALES POSITION in the subject line of the e-mail. EOE.