Your 2012 New Year's resolution
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    As we enter into the 2012 liturgical year, please add your resolutions to this thread!
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I resolve to be patient, gracious and forgiving as we enter into this deeper relationship with our Mass. Especially for our priests, as they encounter all the personal struggles and have to deal with complaints and concerns.
  • I resolve to learn how to read music so that I can be of better help.
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    I resolve to spend some time studying Gregorian chant, as well as music history.
  • DoM resolutions, this is good for me...
    NOT an exhaustive list, but
    1- finish teaching the choir the cycle of Offertories, picking up the few we skipped last year
    2- get a more solid idea of how to interpret and conduct Alleluias
    3- get more familiar with the Ward method and consider its implementation with our choristers
    4- schedule a few more sectionals and private lessons with adult choir
    5- begin rehearsing Good Friday liturgy much sooner than last year...
    6- (should be #1 priority, out of order in this list) pray for and with choir members more often. Increase prayer for direction, inspiration, and new members. Increase prayers for music program and its development in general.