New Audio Files teach Cantors Chabanel Psalms - FREE - Year A
  • noel jones, aagonoel jones, aago
    Posts: 6,611
    I've just gotten notice that the Chabanel Psalms are in the process of being recorded and mp3 files posted to assist psalmists in learning to sing them. 14 coming Sundays are up...right under the corresponding upcoming Year A Psalms already.

    This along with upcoming Sundays being available in a one page bulletin for the congregation has got to help many of us make a change.

    I found the two By Flowing Waters CD's exceedingly helpful in convincing people that there is lovely music that is singable for the Psalms aside from what is proscribed by the OCP and GIA publications....and being able now to hear the Chabanel Psalms is going to help as well.

    Psalmists? We've abandoned the term Cantor...still trying to get them to abandon trying to lead the hymns in opposition to the organ!

    noel at