Hymn Tune Introits for Advent
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,206
    [ Edit: I've changed the title of this topic and updated the attachment to reproduce spreads for the entire Sundays of Advent booklet. ]

    Here is the current version of what Kathy Pluth and I have come up with for setting her Long Meter Introit antiphons to "Conditor Alme Siderum" (harmonized by me) with Psalm verses (from the Book of Divine Worship) set to Anglican chant (also by me). The attached PDF score presents the Antiphons and Psalm verses side-by-side on legal paper, suitable for viewing - or copying for single use. I've also prepared a PDF suitable for printing as a booklet, and shortly will post a PDF that just has the Antiphons set as the "stanzas" of "Conditor Alme Siderum" suitable for congregational use (since, most likely, only the choir would chant the Psalm verses). The layout is essentially the same as the preliminary one that I posted in an earlier thread.

    Comments are welcome - and of course you should feel free to use these for your OF Masses in Advent!


    P.S. I also have a synthesized MP3 that emulates (in soft organ flutes) the Advent I setting (with just the first Psalm verses).
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,206
    As noted in the edit above, I've renamed this topic. The updated PDF of the spreads for our Introits for Advent booklet has some minor changes to the Anglican Chant music (better harmonization to cover the 3-line situation) and more complete front material. Also, as noted there, this is the beginning of a larger project that Kathy and I have named "Hymn Tune Propers" - stay tuned.


    P.S. I'm attaching the PDF of this work laid out side-by-side on legal paper in booklet form, suitable for printing and assembling yourself into the booklet. The PDF sheets are, in order, pages 12-1, 10-3, 8-5, 6-7, 4-9, 2-11.
    Hymn Tune Introits for Advent - booklet.pdf
    Thanked by 1tomboysuze