Looking for Speaker
  • Hi all, Our Newman Club hosts an annual Aquinas Lecture at my university. I'm looking for a good speaker with a Thomistic background for this year. I tried to get Fr Barron, but was essentially brushed away. We have money, BUT we are on a predominantly Evangelical Protestant campus. This may be scaring some off. As this is one of the few boards I read, I thought I would toss this out for suggestions. The speaker would have to appeal to a wide audience - primarily Catholic, but it would be good if he/she could answer questions for Protestant students.
  • Get Fr. Uwe Michael Lang, from the CDWDS. He is MAGNIFICENT! It's like listening to a very young Fr. Joseph Ratzinger. I have heard him. He ROCKS!

    He spoke at Baylor this past January. You also have the added benefit of having him celebrate Mass in the EF.