Accompaniment for Salvete Christi Vulnera?
  • Can anyone point me toward an organ accompaniment for the Liber Usualis chant hymn, "Salvete Christi Vulnera?"
  • Just tried my hand at an accompaniment. You're welcome to use it as you see fit. If you find it useful I can add the other verses as well.

    Salvete Christi vulnera.pdf
  • Pedro, what a wonderful surprise to find your response today, and with a pdf attached! Thank you so much for sharing that. I do write some of my own accompaniments, but don't want to weary the people with my signature,tired-out chord combinations. The Feast of the Precious Blood falls on a Sunday this year! (Is the B-natural in the word "sanguinis" in the final line, intended to be a natural or a flat?) Thanks again. I'm all jazzed-up!
  • ..and yes, Pedro, it would be great to have the other verses, as well.
  • A second harmonization is almost more than I feel worthy of, but it would be great! If that is too cumbersome of a project, the seven-stanzas between the staves would still elicit a heap of gratitude from me. It has amazed me that musicians on this forum are so willing to help and share. An accompaniment for the Matins hymn? Yes!