First go round with the ICEL chant Mass setting this weekend
  • And we're still standing to tell the tale!
    *At principal parish-introduction provided before Mass (with handout), explaining the obvious intent of USCCB to promote this particular setting as evidenced by OCP as default, and the universal ICEL conferences' adoption of it as a unifying factor among English RC Christendom. Rehearsed first third of the Glory to God (XV) that unveiled its ease of use with intuitively easy motives. Used the setting at the schola Mass, then the ensemble Mass, both accompanied chant. (Used the "Forth in Christ" accompaniments from Scotland for ensemble.) People took them up quite handily. Reminded them also that three of the five movements were already known for a decade and a half from use as "Jubilate Deo." Additional treat- our pastor cantillated 90% of orations at both Masses. "Swonderful, 'smarvelous." So, with SEP Introit, Rice Communio, chanted Ubi Caritas, and the official return of an entirely chanted Ordinary at the ex-"folk Mass," not a bad morning!
    *Flip side: Vigil Mass. Not principal parish, new parish hall functioning as fourth church. Retired pastor presiding. Sitting over by the organ console before folks showing up. Asks me about the ICEL Mass. Yes, Msgr. we're doing it last Sunday of each month. "Have you told the people?" Yes, Msgr. "Have you practiced it?" This is the practice, Msgr. That's what this September to November "grace period" is for. "But you haven't prepared them? Have they sung it before?" Yes, Msgr., it was sung at our 150th Anniversary Mass, remember? "Oh, yeah, I loved that. Sounded like FINLANDIA, right?" Yes, Msgr., it sure did. I have to set up now."
    After Entrance hymn, retired Msgr. begins speaking "Hi everyone. I understand we'll be singing the new version of the Mass tonight. You know, this is the sixth version of the Mass I've had to learn in my lifetime! It just goes to show you." (What?) "So we say 'In the name of the ....." Okay. Really?
    Chanted Lord have mercy, Glory to God go well, using large video projection of the round note versions.
    Get a mini homily before each of the three readings.
    After the "real" homily, silence. Retired Msgr. looking over at me. "We singing the Creed?" No, Msgr. "GOOD! Then that means we can say 'WE BELIEVE.....'" Okay, oy vey.
    Retired Msgr. only been in parish for two weeks. (Me, twenty years.)
    No fireworks.
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • Hilarious report!
  • Thanks for making me laugh--I need it today! And 'no fireworks'--alleluia! Keep your sense of humour and charity firmly in place and it sounds like all shall be well. At least he did not forbid you to do any of it, Deo gratias.